USI Congress takes place from 31 March to 3 April at the Sheraton Hotel, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.

Checklist for Delegates


  • Comfortable clothes (x 4 days) for Congress floor
  • Smart casual dress for the USI Annual Dinner
  • Your vocal chords for speaking on motions

Less essentials:

If you want to make use of the hotel’s gym facilities before or after sessions, bring gym kit.  Gyms won’t be available during sessions.

Each region will be engaging in a theme as part of the Congress Social programme.  Please check in with your delegation leader to find out if they need you to bring anything for that.

Main documents

(These may be downloaded from Google Drive)


This document includes the map of the hotel, the motions, constitutional amendments, officer reports, candidate statements and safety protocol for USI Congress.  This is the document you’ll need to read.  You’ll also get one at Congress.

CD2 – The Strategies and Agreements Document.

This contains the bulk of strategies and agreements into which USI seeks to enter this year, outside the motions in the CD1 document

Locked Out Report 

A report on youth and graduate unemployment produced by USI and partners in 2013, to be debated

USI Enterprises Report