Positions Open for Election
Nominations for the election of the USI Coiste Gnó will open on the 3rd of February.
USI President
- Responsible for overall work of the organisation and delegating work and areas of policy to other members of the Executive Team
- Responsible for policy work mandated to them by Congress
- Chief spokesperson for the organisation, representing the student voice to national media outlets
- Supports and works closely with Presidents in Students’ Unions across the country
- Represents the student voice on the board of the Higher Education Authority and other boards
- Manages the human resources of the Union, and is the line manager for the USI Coiste Gnó
- Responsible for drafting annual budget in consultation with the Governance Committee
- Reporting work of the Union to Comhairle Náisiúnta and Comhdháil
- Chairs the Presidents’ Working Group
- Responsible for supporting Member Organisations with organising Comhairle Náisiúnta meetings
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Policy officer with anything related to the area of Education Supports and works closely alongside Education Officers in Students’ Unions across the country.
- Works with the Vice President for Campaigns and other members of the Executive Team to roll out Education campaigns such as Class Rep campaigns, and Exam Destress.
- Leads USI’s International Affairs work, organizing and leading delegations to meetings of the European Students’ Union four times a year
- Sits on the Board of Quality and Qualifications Ireland and the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning, alongside other relevant national committees
- Other areas of work include: Quality Assurance, Academic Integrity, Teaching & Learning, and Student Partnership.
- Chairs the Academic Affairs Working Group at Comhairle Náisiúnta.
Vice President for Welfare
Vice President for Welfare
- Responsible for the implementation of Welfare policy as decided at Comhdháil
- Works with the Mental Health Project Manager to develop campaigns, events and iniatives relating to student mental health
- Responsible for Welfare publications and submissions
- Supports Welfare Officers in Students’ Unions across the country
- Works with the Vice President for Campaigns to roll out Welfare campaigns such as on Mental Health and sexual health
- Other areas of work include: Mental health, physical health, sexual health, consent, cyberbullying, policy on alcohol and drugs and other addictive behaviours
- Chairs the Welfare Working Group at Comhairle Náisiúnta
Vice President for Equality and Citizenship
Vice President for Equality and Citizenship
- Policy officer with responsibility for anything related to the areas of Equality and Citizenship
- Lead organiser of Equality events including Pink Training, Women Lead, EMpower, the Conference for Students with Disabilities, the Mature Students’ Seminar and any other Equality Events as approved by Comhdháil
- With the Vice President for Campaigns, runs Equality and Citizenship related campaigns such as Voter registration and Disability awareness
- Sits on the Board of AHEAD (The Association of ) and ICOS (Irish Council for International Students)
- Provides the student voice to committees such as the National Strategy for Women and Girls and the National Access Plan Steering Group and other committees
- Chairs the Equality and Citizenship Working Group at Comhairle Náisiúnta
Vice President for Campaigns
Vice President for Campaigns
- Main responsibility for organising USI campaigns, in collaboration with relevant officers.
- Has the responsibility to organise and prepare campaign strategies and plans of action.
- Works with external organisations on campaigns and integrates the student voice.
- Supports officers in the roll oll out of events
- Chairs the campaign strategy committee and oversees the work of the committee. This committee coordinates the largest national campaigns of USI.
- Chairs the campaigns working group which discusses the implementation of campaigns with Comhairle Náisiúnta
- Has responsibility for the coordination of Union Development with the President.
- Has responsibility for ensuring the publication of all USI’s submissions , position and policy papers and communications.
Leas Uachtarán don Ghaeilge
Leas Uachtarán don Ghaeilge
- Oifigeach Polasaí atá freagrach as an nGaeilge in AMLÉ
- Cathaoirleach an Choiste Cultúrtha – grúpa oibre na Gaeilge in AMLÉ
- Eagraíonn Seachtain na Gaeilge gach bliain
- Oibríonn le heagraíochtaí Gaeilge ar chúrsaí a bhaineann le mic léinn tríú leibhéal
- Policy officer with responsibility for all Union activity on the Irish language
- Chairs the Coiste Culturtha – the USI Irish language Working Group
- Runs the annual Seachtain na Gaeilge campaign
- Works with other Irish language organisations on anything related to third level students
Vice President for Postgraduate Affairs
Vice President for Postgraduate Affairs
- Responsibility for anything related to the area of Postgraduate Matters
- Works closely with the Vice President for Campaigns to roll out USI campaigns on Postgraduate issues.
- Chairs the National Postgraduate Working Group
- Leads on the USI National Postgraduate Symposium
- Leads on the USI Postgraduate Workers’ rights campaigns
- Supports member organisations to build Postgraduate representative capacity within local Students’ Unions and HEIs
This is a part-time role intended for a postgraduate student in one of USI’s member organisations.
Vice President for the Border Midlands and Western Region
Vice President for the Border, Midlands and Western Region
- Regional officer who works with the following Students’ Unions:
- Maynooth SU
- Dundalk Institute of Technology SU
- Technological University of the Shannon SU (Midlands)
- ATU Galway-Mayo SU
- ATU Sligo SU
- ATU Donegal SU
- University of Galway SU
- St. Angela’s College Sligo SU
- Communication between the USI Executive team and the member organisation Students’ Unions in their region.
- Assists member organisations in the region with the roll out of local and national campaigns.
- Chairs the BMW Regional Working Group at Comhairle Náisiúnta.
Vice President for the Southern Region
Vice President for the Southern Region
- Regional officer who works with the following Students’ Unions:
- MTU Kerry SU,
- MTU Cork SU,
- University College Cork SU,
- SETU SU Waterford,
- SETU SU Carlow,
- Technological University of the Shannon SU (Midwest)
- Carlow College SU
- Communicates between the USI Executive team and the member organisation Students’ Unions in their region
- Assists colleges in the region with the roll out of local and national campaigns.
- Chairs the Southern Regional Working Group at Comhairle Náisiúnta
Vice President for the Dublin Region
Vice President for the Dublin Region
- Regional officer who works with the following Students’ Unions:
- Dublin City University SU
- Technological University Dublin SU
- Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology SU
- National College of Ireland SU,
- National College of Art and Design SU
- Trinity College Dublin SU
- Communication between the USI Executive team and the member organisation Students’ Unions in their region.
- Assists member organisations in the region with the roll out of local and national campaigns.
- Chairs the Dublin Regional Working Group at Comhairle Náisiúnta
Dates to Note
Friday, 3rd of February: Nominations open for the USI Elections
Monday, 27th of February: Nominations close for the USI Elections
Monday, 3rd of April: Hustings at USI Comhdháil
Tuesday, 4th of April: Voting takes place at USI Comhdháil
Tuesday, 4th April: Election results are announced.
Do you have any questions about the USI elections?
If you have any questions about the upcoming USI elections, get in touch with our USI Elections Subcommittee!
Candidate FAQ
Running for election is an incredibly exciting experience, but it can also be very overwhelming. We’ve put together an FAQ of things you need to know before starting your election campaign! If your question isn’t answered below, get in contact with the Elections Subcommittee at elections@usi.ie.
How do I get my name on the ballot?
How do I get my name on the ballot?
To ensure that your name is on the ballot, you need to receive two nominations from SU Presidents at USI’s member organisations. If you are running for the role of a Regional Vice President, both these member organisations must be located in the region for which you are running.
Nominations must be sent to the USI Elections Subcommittee at elections@usi.ie with a letter, signed by the President, on Union headed paper saying that they nominate you. This letter should include:
- Your name
- Your email address
- Your phone number
- The position you are running for
Nominations must be submitted before 5pm on Monday, the 27th of February.
Am I eligible to run for election?
Am I eligible to run for election?
All candidates running for election must be registered students or sabbatical officers at one of USI’s member organisations. If you are a student in a USI affiliated college – you’re good to go!
How does voting work?
How does voting work?
Voting for the USI Coiste Gnó elections is done by registered delegates attending Comdháil via a secret paper ballot. Each delegation comprises of students from one of USI’s member organisation. Each member organisation has a proportional number of delegates to the size of their college, where 1 delegate represents 1,000 students.
Each member organisation distributes their votes differently. Some MO’s allow delegates a free vote, meaning that the delegate can vote for whoever they wish, while other delegations follow a mandate system.
What's a mandate?
What’s a mandate?
A mandate is where delegates are mandated to vote in a particular way. Some unions operate a “winner takes all” mandate, where the candidate who recieves the most votes in their local hustings will receive all of the votes from that unions delegation. Other unions operate proportional mandates, where if a candidate recieves 75% of first preference votes in their local hustings, that candidate will recieve votes from 75% of that unions delegation.
Most mandated votes are decided by local hustings, which take place in the member organisation. They are either voted on by a class rep council or are opened to the entire student body for a vote.
Sample Terms and Conditions of Officership
The Terms and Conditions of Officership form the main part of the contract with the officer.