
76% of students are worried about securing employment and only 23% have secured employment when they graduate, according to a new pilot study by the Union of Students in Ireland (USI).


USI surveyed students across Ireland and asked them how they felt about employment after they graduated. When asked ‘Are you anxious and troubled over actual or potential problems about finding employment after you graduate?’ 76% of students replied ‘yes’. Students are more successful in securing employment as they get closer to completing their degree but have not been successful overall with only 23% having jobs lined up. Female students are more likely to be successful in securing employment after graduation with 27% of females saying they had been successful, compared to 21% of male respondents.


Only 26% of students feel their course has adequately prepared them for seeking employment when they graduate. To tackle concerns and assist students in securing graduate employment, the Union of Students in Ireland is partnering with Jobbio and launching the first Irish ‘After Grad’ fair in Dublin Castle on the 13th April from 11am – 5:30pm with the tag line ‘Don’t Just Find a Job, Build a Career!’


Over 800 students are expected at the event with 35 exhibitors and 36 colleges from across Ireland. Louise Phelan from Paypal will be the keynote speaker, with Voxpro and Ryanair delivering the keynote address. Exhibitors will include Ernst &Young, one of the ‘Big Four’ audit firms in Ireland; Glanbia and Enterprise Rent-A-Car.


At the grad fair, there will be six workshops around themes such as interview skills, setting career goals and working abroad. Teams of ‘career coaches’ will be on hand to guide students through the tricky journey of finding a job and an online employment hub where students will be able to see info about open positions and apply in advance.


“The Union of Students in Ireland is delighted to be launching the 2016 Gradfair in Dublin castle,” Kevin Donoghue, USI President, said, “In a time of economic recovery employers are hiring again. USI believes in sustainable, long-term employment, not exploitative JobBridge schemes, and the After Grad will teach young graduates and soon-to-be graduates the best ways to build a career that harnesses their talents and abilities while building their experiencing and potential.”


“The purpose of Jobbio is to make missed career opportunities a thing of the past.” Grace Looney, Chief Marketing Officer, at Jobbio, said. “We are very excited to partner with USI at the After Grad event and to bring the proposition of Jobbio to the class of 2016”.


Full Survey Results



Top 3 Faculties

  • Arts, Humanities, Languages – 37%
  • Business – 20%
  • Science – 16%

Have you been looking for graduate employment?

  • ALL – Yes 65% 
  • M – Yes 61% vs F – Yes 68%
  • (3rd) – Yes 48%
  • (4th) – Yes 88%
  • (3rd/4th) – Yes 70%
  • (Post) – Yes 79%
  • (3rd/4th/Post) – Yes 73%

Students are seeking graduate employment more as they are closer to completing their degree or in Postgraduate.


Are you anxious and troubled over actual or potential problems about finding employment after you graduate?

  • ALL – Yes 76% 
  • M – Yes 74% vs F – Yes 77%
  • (3rd) – Yes 83%
  • (4th) – Yes 74%
  • (3rd/4th) – Yes 78%
  • (Post) – Yes 79%
  • (3rd/4th/Post) – Yes 78% 

Students are anxious and troubled but there is a decrease as they are closer to completing their degree but increase slightly in Postgraduate.


Have you been successful in securing employment after you graduate?

  • ALL – Yes 23%
  • M – Yes 21% vs F – Yes 27%
  • (3rd) – Yes 10%
  • (4th) – Yes 31%
  • (3rd/4th) – Yes 22%
  • (Post) – Yes 30%
  • (3rd/4th/Post) – Yes 25% 

Students are more successful in securing employment after graduation as they are closer to completing their degree but have not been successful overall. Female students are slightly more likely to be successful in securing employment after graduation.