Jun 2, 2017 | Featured, Health, Vacancies
STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH PROJECT MANAGER Pilot – 9-months initially, with a view to roll-out for a longer period. Job Title: Student Mental Health Project Manager Salary €35,000 p/r Responsible to General Manager Place of Work Dublin (with work in educational...
May 22, 2017 | Accommodation, Featured
The Union of Students in Ireland has issued guidance for students anxious to have a trouble-free departure from their current accommodation – and joined forces with Property Button to help prepare students make their next move hassle free. With the exam season...
May 22, 2017 | Featured, Vacancies
The Union of Students in Ireland is now recruiting two staff to join its Dublin-based operation. Applying Candidates should apply by forwarding a CV and a letter stating the title of the role applied for and outlining your suitability for the role (with adherence to...
May 22, 2017 | Environment, Featured, RELEASES
Students Across Europe To Receive €1.5m To Save Energy On Campuses The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) has announced the launch of a of a major European energy efficiency and energy saving programme for students in Ireland, supported by the European Union. The...
May 12, 2017 | Featured, Week In USI
It’s been another busy week in USI HQ, with the process of crossover now fully underway as our delegation returned this week from the 72nd Board Meeting of the European Students’ Union. The highlights include: The President met with representative from...