AMLÉ seasann go dlúth leis an stailc stairiúil ar son na Gaeilge.
Seasann AMLÉ go Dlúthpháirtíocht leis an Stailc Stairiúil ar son na Gaeilge R.A.I.C. Tá Aontas na Mac Léinn in Éirinn (AMLÉ) ag seasamh go dlúthpháirtíoc le breis is 40 grúpa Gaeilge agus Gaeltachta fud fad na tíre inniu, Dé Céadaoin, i stailc leathlae mar chuid den...International Students Most Vulnerable in the Housing Crisis
“Once Again, International Students Are the Most Vulnerable Victims of Ireland’s Housing Crisis, Says USI” Date: 19/02/2025 The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) strongly condemns the alarming exploitation of international students in Ireland’s rental...“Well, Is It the Same Old Line?
PRESS RELEASE “Well, Is It the Same Old Line? Strike Action to Be Taken as USI Stands in Unwavering Solidarity with BIMM’s Students and IFUT, While Dispute Remains Unresolved. Dublin, Ireland – February 5, 2025 – The Union of Students in Ireland (USI)/...‘Like the Previous Government, Their Programme Stays the Same’
The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) has welcomed some of the pledges made in the new Programme for Government, particularly in relation to financial support for students and the development of apprenticeship pathways. However, the union has expressed concern that many of the critical issues facing students—particularly housing, mental health services, and the cost of education—remain insufficiently addressed, with the Programme largely mirroring the previous government’s approach.