98% of NCADSU Vote Yes to Join USI

98% of NCADSU Vote Yes to Join USI

98% of students from the National College of Art and Design Students’ Union (NCADSU) voted to remain with the Union of Students in Ireland (USI). Polls opened at 11am on Thursday 6th of April and closed at 4:30pm. Speaking after the result was announced, USI President...
This Week in USI March 27th – April 7th, 2017

This Week in USI March 27th – April 7th, 2017

General: The next USI Officer Board have been elected and will begin their term on July 1st. You can read the full results here. See who your next USI Officer Board are here! Last week USI held the annual Congress in Ennis with over 200 delegates in attendance. Have a...
91% of DITSU Voters Say Yes to USI

91% of DITSU Voters Say Yes to USI

2989 students from DIT Students’ Union (DITSU) voted to remain with the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) with a total of 3265 votes cast. Polls opened at 10am on Tuesday 14th of March and closed at 8pm on Wednesday the 15th of March. The count took place in DIT...
This Week in USI March 5th – 10th, 2017

This Week in USI March 5th – 10th, 2017

General: 2,027 students from Maynooth University (MSU) voted to remain with the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) with a total of 2,142 votes cast. Polls opened at 9am on Wednesday the 8th of March and closed at 6pm on March 8th. Final result was 95.7% of MSU voters...