Nov 7, 2016 | Accommodation, Featured
USI President, Annie Hoey The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) has made a submission to the Strategy for the Rented Sector. The Strategy will provide a vision of the role that the rental sector will play in the short, medium and long terms, as set out in...
Oct 25, 2016 | Featured, Health
The Union of Students of Ireland in partnership with and the HSE have launched a new harm reduction information campaign aimed at people who use new psychoactive substances (NSP)*. The use of psychoactive drugs in Ireland among the 15-24 year age...
Oct 17, 2016 | #YesToUSI, Academic Affairs, Featured, Funding
The Union of Students in Ireland expect up to 5,000 students to join their national demonstration march this Wednesday, the 19th October, to warn the government of the impact of income contingent loans on students and young people. The National Parents Council...
Oct 12, 2016 | Budget, Featured, Funding
The Union of Students in Ireland has welcomed the allocation of €36.5 million to the third level sector in the Budget but has emphasised that the funding is insufficient by over €100 million. The union recommended spending of €140million in their pre-budget submission...