Jun 14, 2016 | Campaigns, Featured, Health, RELEASES
The Union of Students in Ireland are teaming up with Operation Zero tomorrow, the 15th June at 9am on Irish AIDS Days at HIV Ireland, 70 Eccles Street with the message ‘no shame, no judgment, just support!’ to encourage students to get tested, as new figures from...
Jun 14, 2016 | Campaigns, Featured, Health, RELEASES
The Union of Students in Ireland are teaming up with Operation Zero tomorrow, the 15th June at 9am on Irish AIDS Days at HIV Ireland, 70 Eccles Street with the message ‘no shame, no judgment, just support!’ to encourage students to get tested, as new figures from...
Jun 13, 2016 | Budget, Featured, Funding, Health, RELEASES
58.1% of students miss meals to stay in college, according to new research released today by the Union of Students in Ireland who had more than 870 responses to a national survey of students. More than a third (38.7%) of students said they go hungry to fund or stay...
Jun 9, 2016 | Featured, Health, RELEASES
The Union of Students in Ireland is calling on the government to launch nationwide 24/7 community-based crisis intervention services to reduce hospital readmission rates for mental health difficulties. Two thirds of people presenting for hospital treatment for serious...
May 23, 2016 | Featured, Media
The Union of Students in Ireland has welcomed the scrapping of JobBridge and commended the Minister for Social Protection, Leo Varadkar, on rebalancing decency and reducing exploitation in the workplace. USI said there was no need for a system webbed with...