Student Achievement Awards Ireland Ceremony
The Student Achievement Awards, now in its ninth year, is the annual opportunity for the student movement in Ireland to recognise the outstanding work of students and celebrate their contributions to the experience of their fellow students, and to wider society.
The Student Achievement Awards Ireland 2022 will take place on May 12th 2022 in the Gibson Hotel, Dublin.
The shortlisted nominees are available to read below in each category. Congratulations to all those nominated! We look forward to seeing you at the awards ceremony on the 12th of May!
Academic Representative of the Year/Ionadaí Acadúil na Bliana
Academic Representative of the Year/Ionadaí Acadúil na Bliana
The recipient of this award will be the elected student, class, council or senate representative who most effectively represents their fellow classmates inside the structures of the college and/or the Students’ Union. Good representatives should seek to engage their classmates with the Students’ Union and its activities as well as represent and promote a broad range of interests.
The shortlisted nominees in this category are:
Zöe Cummins, TCDSU
Anthony Lane, UCCSU
Kelly Razey, QUBSU
Jason Sherlock, CMLOÉG
Access Champion of the Year/Curadh Rochtana na Bliana
Access Champion of the Year/Curadh Rochtana na Bliana
This award recognises a student, group or Students’ Union who have gone above and beyond to defend the right to access to third-level education, be that through advocacy, lobbying, or campaigns. They will have used imaginative ways to raise awareness around the current issues of barriers in accessing and funding for Higher Education. Work in this area could include tackling issues with lack of sufficient grants and financial supports to access education, high fees, lack of appropriate facilities and/or supports, working towards a making College campus and curriculum accessible and inclusive course costs, or low staff numbers.
This award is for a student, group of students, society, or Students’ Union who has demonstrated a clear commitment to campaigning for access to education.
The nominees shortlisted for this category are:
Anne Marie Ward, CMLOEG
Klaudia Obieglo, TCDSU
Michaela Waters, MSU
UCCSU Food Bank
An Gradam Éacht ar son na Gaeilge
An Gradam Éacht ar son na Gaeilge
Tuigeann Aontas na Mac Léinn in Éirinn tábhacht na Gaeilge i saol na mac léinn, agus mar sin, bronnfar an gradam seo ar eagraithe an fheachtais nó ócáid ab fhearr a reáchtáladh le linn na bliana maidir leis an teanga. Is féidir le Comhaltais/Aontais na Mac Léinn, cumainn, nó daoine aonair dul isteach san iomaícht don ghradam seo.
The Union of Students in Ireland understands the importance of irish in student life, and as a result, this award will be bestowed upon the organisers of the best campaign or event that was organized during the year regarding the language. Students’ Unions, Societies, or individuals can put themselves forward for this award.
A “feachtas Gaeilge” can be a campaign on any aspect of Irish language and/or Irish culture.
The nominees shortlisted for this category are:
An Cumann Gaelach Mhig Aoidh, UUSU
An Cumann Gaelach QUB
Comhaltas na Mac Léinn OÉ Gaillimh
Niamh Leddy, UCCSU
Charity Champion of the Year/Curadh Carthanachta na Bliana
Charity Champion of the Year/Curadh Carthanachta na Bliana
This award recognises charitable efforts organised by a USI member organisation, student, society or other group. Budget and other limitations will be taken into consideration and should be clearly outlined on the nomination submission form. The award recognises a year-round commitment to fundraising, volunteerism, outreach etc. An individual, groups of individuals, organisations, societies and Students’ Unions may be nominated for the award.
The nominees shortlisted for this category are:
John Flannery , CMLOÉG
Trinity Vincent de Paul
UCC SU RAG Crew/Food Bank
UCC Surgeon Noonan Society
Society of the Year/Cumann na Bliana
Society of the Year/Cumann na Bliana
The award recognises societies, or other student-led organisations which have a positive impact on broader student life. This award will be given to a recognised group or organisation whose impact is felt beyond its membership and throughout the whole college community, or to the student experience in Ireland, for example, we are looking for the society whose collaborations consistently enhance the events of other societies, that does very effective fundraising, or the network that builds a sense of belonging in the student community.
Note: By student-led organisation, we mean a society or organisation that is recognized within the college. Externally based organisations who engage students but are not formally established within college or Students’ Union structures would not be eligible for this award.
Successful nominees will have to demonstrate how they have gone “above and beyond” to enhance the student experience with clubs or societies. In other words, the award recognises groups that transcend their core purpose of serving their membership and contribute to student life within societies in an outstanding way.
The nominees shortlisted for this category are:
NUI Galway Mincéirs Whiden Society
UCC Law Society
UCC Fáilte Refugees Society
Club of the Year/Club na Bliana
Club of the Year/Club na Bliana
This award recognises sports clubs, or other student-led organisations which have a positive impact on broader student life. This award will be given to a recognised group or organisation whose impact is felt beyond its membership and throughout the whole college community, or to the student experience in Ireland.
Note: By student-led organisation, we mean a club or organisation that is recognized within the college. Externally based organisations who engage students but are not formally established within college or Students’ Union structures would not be eligible for this award.
Successful nominees will have to demonstrate how they have gone “above and beyond” to enhance the student experience with clubs. In other words, the award recognises groups that transcend their core purpose of serving their membership and contribute to student life within clubs in an outstanding way.
The nominees shortlisted for this category are:
ATU Sligo Ladies Rugby
ATU Volleyball Club
NUIG Surf Club
Education Campaign of the Year/Curadh Oideachais na Bliana
Education Campaign of the Year/Curadh Oideachais na Bliana
At the heart of the USI constitution is the pledge to protect and promote education. This award will recognise the campaign which sought to promote these values on campus and which brought about tangible benefits to the student body. Budget and other limitations will be taken into consideration and should be clearly outlined on the nomination submission form. An individual, groups of individuals, organisations, clubs, societies and Students’ Unions may be nominated for this award.
The nominees shortlisted for this category are:
Assessment and Feedback Campaign, QUBSU
Destress Maynooth, MSU
Get Connected, TUSSU
North West Regional College Students’ Union International Mobility Project, NWRCSU
Environmental and Sustainability Activism of the Year/Gníomhaíochas Timpeallachta agus Inbhuanaitheachta na Bliana
Environmental and Sustainability Activism of the Year/Gníomhaíochas Timpeallachta agus Inbhuanaitheachta na Bliana
This award recognises the contribution of an individual, group of individuals, society, or Students’ Union to advancing the cause of environmentalism and sustainability. Increasingly important, both on and off campus, the student movement is now an integral part of the wider movement to ensuring a more sustainable planet. Initiatives, campaigns, and lobby efforts are ongoing across the country, and this award recognises that growing body of student activism.
The nominees shortlisted for this category are:
Alicia Joy O Sullivan, UCCSU
Environmental and Sustainability Campaign, CMLOÉG
NUIG Student Pantry, CMLOÉG
UCC Students’ Union
Equality Campaign of the Year/Feachtas Comhionannais na Bliana
Equality Campaign of the Year/Feachtas Comhionannais na Bliana
Protecting students is one of the core missions of USI and local Students’ Unions. This award will go to the campaign which has done the most to promote or protect the welfare of students in Ireland. Budget and other limitations will be taken into consideration and should be clearly outlined on the nomination submission form. An individual, groups of individuals, organisations, clubs, societies and Students’ Unions may be nominated for this award.
The shortlisted nominees for this award are:
EDI – Equality Diversity and Inclusion Week, WITSU
Period Poverty Campaign, UUSU
The Consent Campus Campaign, QUBSU
Towards Inclusive Clubs and Societies Project, Trinity Ability Co-Op
Full-Time Officer of the Year/Oifigeach Lánaimseartha na Bliana
Full-Time Officer of the Year/Oifigeach Lánaimseartha na Bliana
This award will go to the nominee who has demonstrated the most impressive leadership in the student community during the academic year 2021/22 within their role as a full time sabbatical officer. Through their work the successful nominee will have campaigned to protect and enhance the student experience for their peers and, in doing so, will have become a role model within the student movement
The nominees shortlisted for this award are:
Leah Keogh, TCDSU
Clodagh McGivern, CMLOÉG
Róisín Nic Lochlainn, CMLOÉG
Niamh Oddy, QUBSU
Conor O’Reilly, NCISU
Individual Contribution to Student Media/Ionchur Aonair do Mheáin na Mac Léinn
Individual Contribution to Student Media/Ionchur Aonair do Mheáin na Mac Léinn
Student media has a long and proud history in Ireland and in recent years it has become more important and prominent than ever. This award will go to an individual who has demonstrated a clear commitment to developing student media as a means of engaging the student population, whether that is as a journalist or broadcaster, or in a support capacity to a media outlet. This award recognises that there is a wide variety of ways in which an individual student can contribute to the success of student media.
The nominees shortlisted for this award are:
Thomas Copeland, QUBSU
Jody Druce, TCDSU
Emer Moreau, TCDSU
Siún Ní Mhuimhneacháin, UCCSU
International Student of the Year/Mac Léinn Idirnáisiúnta na Bliana
International Student of the Year/Mac Léinn Idirnáisiúnta na Bliana
This award will be presented to an international student who has been an integral part of student life throughout the academic year 2020/21. International students often face barriers to integration in Ireland, not least because they are far from the comforts of home and family, but play important and valued roles across activity on and off campus. The recipient of the award will have integrated into campus life and stands out as a role model for students, having demonstrated the ability to be an ambassador for student life in Ireland.
The shortlisted nominees for this category are:
Mia Brzakovic, TCDSU
Matthew Connolly, CMLOÉG
Imasha Costa, UCCSU
Brenda Meira, NCISU
Mature Student of the Year/Mac Léinn Aibí na Bliana
Mature Student of the Year/Mac Léinn Aibí na Bliana
This award is dedicated to recognising the achievements of mature students in higher level education. Mature students face a plethora of challenges when returning to education and overcoming these challenges requires resilience and commitment. This award will go to a mature student who has been an active participant in student life.
The shortlisted nominees in this category are:
Samantha Corcoran, TUDSU
Hazel Doran, TUDSU
Amano Miura, UCCSU
Kelly Razey, QUBSU
Outstanding Mental Health Activism/Gníomhaíochas Sármhaith Meabhairshláinte
Outstanding Mental Health Activism/Gníomhaíochas Sármhaith Meabhairshláinte
Mental health forms a large part of the work of the student movement. This award will go to the campaign, society, or individual activist which has done the most to promote or protect the mental health of students in Ireland in 2021/22. Budget and other limitations will be taken into consideration and should be clearly outlined on the nomination submission form. An individual, groups of individuals, organisations, societies and Students’ Unions may be nominated for this award.
The shortlisted nominees in this category are:
Blessing Dada, TUDSU
Lauren English Adams, WITSU
Aoife Molloy, WITSU
Mincéirs Whiden Society, CMLOÉG
Part-Time Officer of the Year/Oifigeach Páirtaimseartha na Bliana
Part-Time Officer of the Year/Oifigeach Páirtaimseartha na Bliana
Students’ Unions, and particularly sabbatical officers, rely hugely on the work done by part-time SU officers. These officers frequently sit on the Students’ Union Executive, where one exists, and give up their time to assist in the development and implementation of policies and campaigns. This award will go to the part-time officer who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that 2021/22 was a successful year for their SU.
The shortlisted nominees in this category are:
Zöe Cummins, TCDSU
Sai Gujulla, CMLOÉG
Niamh McGrath, CMLOÉG
Eímear Nig Oireachtaigh, CMLOÉG
Postgraduate Champion of the Year/Curadh Iarchéime na Bliana
Postgraduate Champion of the Year/Curadh Iarchéime na Bliana
USI is building a national approach towards engaging with our postgraduate members. This development has been mirrored by many within the student movement. This award recognizes anyone that has made an outstanding contribution towards postgraduate engagement and celebrates those who have been a champion for postgraduate students within their campus. An individual, group, society or Students’ Union may be nominated for this award.
The nominees shortlisted in this category are:
Waqar Ahmed, DCUSU
Kelsey Campolong, UUSU
Ashling McGrory, TUSSU
Stephen Sheridan, TUDSU
Student Activist of the Year/Gníomhaí Mac Léinn na Bliana
Student Activist of the Year/Gníomhaí Mac Léinn na Bliana
This award will be presented to a student who has shown leadership in campaigning and advocating on a student issue or issues within their campus or wider community. It recognises the commitment of a student to an issue that matters to them or their peers, not limited to, but could include: advancing student rights, raising the student voice on or off campus, equality and social justice, encouraging more student involvement in campaigns or initiatives, or advancing and defending the quality of education.
The award recognises activism without regard to whether or not that activism was campus-based. It is an award for a student who is an outstanding activist and leader amongst their peers; it is not prescribed that only activism on student issues should be recognised.
The nominees shortlisted for this category are:
Orla Leahy, UCCSU
Amy Merron, UUSU
László Molnárfi, TCDSU
Christine O’Mahony, DCUSU
Student Media Outlet of the Year/Ardán Meáin Mac Léinn na Bliana
Student Media Outlet of the Year/Ardán Meáin Mac Léinn na Bliana
The quality of content and the reach that student media has on and off campuses is an integral part to creating a sense of student life and community. This award recognises the student media outlet or platform that demonstrates high commitment to editorial, journalistic, or broadcast standards and demonstrates its’ impact within, and outside of the student body. It could go to an individual, group of individuals, organisation, society, or Students’ Union. It could include a publication, journal, radio station, blog, podcast or any other form of media. The budget and other limitations of any outlet will be taken into consideration and should be clearly outlined on the entry form.
The nominees shortlisted for this category are:
Motley Magazine, UCCSU
University Express, UCCSU
The University Times, TCDSU
Students' Union Team of the Year/Foireann Aontas na Mac Léinn na Bliana
Students’ Union Team of the Year/Foireann Aontas na Mac Léinn na Bliana (Small/Medium/Large)/(Beag/Meánach/Mór)
NOTE: There are three awards in this category: Small SU, Medium SU, and Large SU
These Awards recognise the dedication of the elected Officer teams who lead and shape the direction of Students’ Unions around the country. Each year teams of Sabbatical Officers and Part-Time Officers set the direction of their SUs and work on a plethora of campaigns and issues for the students they represent. Each Award recognises how these teams acted collectively and cohesively, that they identified things that needed to change, and that they sought to implement innovative and exciting new ideas so that they could represent students to the best of their ability.
The nominees shortlisted for Small Students’ Union Team of the Year are:
ATU Donegal Students’ Union (ATUDSU)
Dun Laoghaire Institute Of Art, Design & Technology Students Union (IADTSU)
National College of Art and Design Students’ Union (NCADSU)
National College of Ireland Students’ Union (NCISU)
The nominees shortlisted for Medium Students’ Union Team of the Year are:
South East Technological University Waterford Students’ Union (SETUWSU)
Technological University of the Shannon Students’ Union (TUSSU)
The nominees shortlisted for Large Students’ Union Team of the Year are:
Maynooth Students’ Union (MSU)
Queen’s University Belfast Students’ Union (QUBSU)
Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU)
Ulster University Students’ Union (UUSU)
Welfare Campaign of the Year/Feachtas Leasa na Bliana
Welfare Campaign of the Year/Feachtas Leasa na Bliana
Protecting students is one of the core missions of USI and local Students’ Unions. This award will go to the campaign which has done the most to promote or protect the welfare of students in Ireland. Budget and other limitations will be taken into consideration and should be clearly outlined on the nomination submission form. An individual, groups of individuals, organisations, clubs, societies and Students’ Unions may be nominated for this award.
The shortlisted nominees for this category are:
Spiking and Student Safety Campaign, ATU Sligo SU
Project Choice, QUBSU
Period Poverty Campaign, UUSU
Terms and Conditions
Data Privacy: USI collects and processes data on nominees for events and awards for the purposes of managing the event. Personally identifying information is collected and retained securely.
Personal data such as email address and telephone number will not be shared with third parties. Only names of nominees, and nominations submitted in support of the award will be shared with third parties (SAAI judges) for the purpose of the selection process.