Jun 27, 2016 | Academic Affairs, Featured
27 June 2016 Statement from Irish universities about UK Students and Fees: “In the period of uncertainty following the recent UK referendum to leave the European Union, the Irish universities collectively wish to reassure all UK students currently enrolled in an...
Jun 22, 2016 | Featured, Funding, RELEASES
87% of students fear having to drop out of college because of cost of education, according to new research released today by the Union of Students in Ireland who had more than 870 responses to a national survey of students. 74.3% of students have thought about...
Jun 21, 2016 | Academic Affairs, Featured, International, RELEASES
NUS-USI (the National Union of Students in Northern Ireland) and USI (the Union of Students in Ireland) have joined forces to back the #Bremain campaign, as the Brexit referendum approaches on the 23rd June, emphasising that a vote to leave Europe will have a...
Jun 13, 2016 | Budget, Featured, Funding, Health, RELEASES
58.1% of students miss meals to stay in college, according to new research released today by the Union of Students in Ireland who had more than 870 responses to a national survey of students. More than a third (38.7%) of students said they go hungry to fund or stay...
May 19, 2016 | Featured, Funding, Media
USI President, Kevin Donoghue The Union of Students is advising students filling out their CAO forms on how to make the right course and college choice. For many students, filling out their CAO form can be quite daunting as it carries the risk of making the wrong...
May 17, 2016 | Academic Affairs, Featured, Media
The first meeting of the National Student Engagement Project Pilot (NStEP) was held today in the Quality & Qualifications Ireland (QQI) offices on Lower Mount Street. The project working group aims to put students at the centre of their learning experience...