Aug 17, 2022 | Featured, Postgraduates, RELEASES, USI News
The Union of Students in Ireland is delighted to run the Why Research Matters video competition 2022 in cooperation with the Irish Research Council. This competition aims to showcase the varied and high-quality work being undertaken by postgraduate researchers across...
Jul 28, 2022 | Campaigns, Featured, Postgraduates, RELEASES, USI News, Workers' Rights
The Union of Students in Ireland has backed a call by a PhD student collective to the Minister for Higher Education, funding agencies and higher education institutions across Ireland, for an urgent increase to postgraduate research stipends. USI Vice President for...
Jun 14, 2021 | Featured, Postgraduates
In cooperation with the Irish Research Council, the Union of Students in Ireland is delighted to once again run the #WhyResearchMatters competition. The value of research cannot be understated, it is through research that we continue to grow both as individuals and as...
Jun 3, 2020 | Featured, Postgraduates
Why Research Matters is a postgraduate video competition run by the Union of Students in Ireland and sponsored by the Irish Research Council. The goal is to put the creative minds of the island’s postgraduate research community to work to produce a short video...
Jul 27, 2018 | Academic Affairs, Featured, Local Affairs, Postgraduates, RELEASES
The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) is deeply concerned that senior management in Trinity College Dublin may have reneged on an agreement with their Students’ Union that guaranteed that international non-EU and postgraduate multi-year fees would not rise. The...
Nov 3, 2017 | Academic Affairs, Gaeilge, Postgraduates
Tacaíonn Aontas na Mac Léinn in Éirinn (AMLÉ) le mic léinn iarchéime agus neamh-AE i gColáiste na Tríonóide, Baile Átha Cliath, tar éis an deimhnithe ó bhainistíocht an choláiste go n-ardófar taillí na mac léinn seo le 5% aondeonach. Tá Comhaltas na Mac Léinn,...