Jul 27, 2018 | Academic Affairs, Featured, Local Affairs, Postgraduates, RELEASES
The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) is deeply concerned that senior management in Trinity College Dublin may have reneged on an agreement with their Students’ Union that guaranteed that international non-EU and postgraduate multi-year fees would not rise. The...
Jul 29, 2013 | Local Affairs, President, RELEASES
For Immediate Release Union of Students in Ireland and Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union condemn Trinity head’s fees claim The Union of Students in Ireland and Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union have shot down claims from Trinity College Dublin President...
Feb 23, 2013 | Local Affairs
The USI referendum manifesto ‘Yes to USI’ is available in hi resolution PDF. New Manifesto 8
Jan 21, 2013 | National Council, NC Members
National Council in January 2013 will take place at IT Tralee Students’ Union on 26 January 2013. The President at IT Tralee SU has provided a very comprehensive set of information on the town and arrangements for the weekend. Message from the President of IT...
Oct 8, 2012 | Democracy, National Council, NC Members
Minutes from the National Councils in August and September are now available on the USI Website. In future, all National Council documents will be available here in advance, along with information on accommodation and the itinerary for the event. The home for the...