Aug 3, 2017 | Campaigns, Featured, Health
The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) today released data showing 74% of students fear experiencing negative mental health in the future. USI is also raising concern over the shortage of staff in mental health services to cope with the increasing demand for support,...
Jun 2, 2017 | Featured, Health, Vacancies
STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH PROJECT MANAGER Pilot – 9-months initially, with a view to roll-out for a longer period. Job Title: Student Mental Health Project Manager Salary €35,000 p/r Responsible to General Manager Place of Work Dublin (with work in educational...
May 18, 2017 | Featured, Health
The Healthy Ireland Network initiative was launched in Dublin Castle on the 18/05/2017. The Healthy Ireland Network launch was opened by former Irish Rugby International and current chair of the Healthy Ireland council Keith Woods, followed by contributions from An...
Oct 25, 2016 | Featured, Health
The Union of Students of Ireland in partnership with and the HSE have launched a new harm reduction information campaign aimed at people who use new psychoactive substances (NSP)*. The use of psychoactive drugs in Ireland among the 15-24 year age...
Oct 7, 2016 | Featured, Health
The Union of Students in Ireland and Mental Health Reform have made a joint plea to the government and Fianna Fáil to clarify their commitment to providing €37.5 million in the budget for mental health services, which is needed to fully implement the steps for a...
Sep 30, 2016 | Featured, Health
The Union of Students in Ireland has launched its online SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness Guide) week, urging young people to get into the habit of getting tested regularly, after a HSE report showed an increase of 22.1% in Syphilis from 2014 to 2015. Early infectious...