Jun 2, 2017 | Featured, Health, Vacancies
STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH PROJECT MANAGER Pilot – 9-months initially, with a view to roll-out for a longer period. Job Title: Student Mental Health Project Manager Salary €35,000 p/r Responsible to General Manager Place of Work Dublin (with work in educational...
May 18, 2017 | Featured, Health
The Healthy Ireland Network initiative was launched in Dublin Castle on the 18/05/2017. The Healthy Ireland Network launch was opened by former Irish Rugby International and current chair of the Healthy Ireland council Keith Woods, followed by contributions from An...
Feb 14, 2017 | Featured, RELEASES, Sexual Health
USI Officers and local SU teams have gone on the offensive against sexually transmitted infections this week, with the launch of a major revamped SHAG campaign. The campaign, supported by the Health Service Executive, is taking campuses by storm across Ireland after...
Oct 25, 2016 | Featured, Health
The Union of Students of Ireland in partnership with Drugs.ie and the HSE have launched a new harm reduction information campaign aimed at people who use new psychoactive substances (NSP)*. The use of psychoactive drugs in Ireland among the 15-24 year age...
Oct 7, 2016 | Featured, Health
The Union of Students in Ireland and Mental Health Reform have made a joint plea to the government and Fianna Fáil to clarify their commitment to providing €37.5 million in the budget for mental health services, which is needed to fully implement the steps for a...
Sep 30, 2016 | Featured, Health
The Union of Students in Ireland has launched its online SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness Guide) week, urging young people to get into the habit of getting tested regularly, after a HSE report showed an increase of 22.1% in Syphilis from 2014 to 2015. Early infectious...