Jun 13, 2016 | Budget, Featured, Funding, Health, RELEASES
58.1% of students miss meals to stay in college, according to new research released today by the Union of Students in Ireland who had more than 870 responses to a national survey of students. More than a third (38.7%) of students said they go hungry to fund or stay...
Jun 9, 2016 | Featured, Health, RELEASES
The Union of Students in Ireland is calling on the government to launch nationwide 24/7 community-based crisis intervention services to reduce hospital readmission rates for mental health difficulties. Two thirds of people presenting for hospital treatment for serious...
Feb 9, 2016 | Featured, RELEASES, Sexual Health
The Union of Students in Ireland launched its SHAG week campaign across the country in 6 different colleges (NUIG, NCI, IT Carlow, GMIT, DKIT and IADT) this week with two key messages – to get tested and to ask for consent, after a survey published...
Nov 27, 2015 | Featured, Health
The Union of Students in Ireland released new survey information today which showed that 93% of student nurses have considered emigrating when they finish college. Over 600 student nurses were surveyed across the country and 564 (92.5%) said they have thought about...
Nov 27, 2015 | Featured, Health
The Union of Students in Ireland released new survey information today which showed that 93% of student nurses have considered emigrating when they finish college. Over 600 student nurses were surveyed across the country and 564 (92.5%) said they have thought about...
Dec 3, 2014 | Featured, Health, RELEASES
The Union of Students of Ireland (USI) has today (Wednesday) launched a new campaign that highlights the mental health impact of harmful drinking on young people. The USI’s new resource on alcohol and mental health, mentaldrinking.ie, contains easy-to-understand...