These policies are approved at USI Congress each year and have a life span on 3 years.
Fill out this contact form with any queries you may have about the USI Policy Tracker:
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Here you will find the Union of Students in Ireland’s Constitution, this document lays out all rules and regulations of USI and can be amended only at USI Congress.

Here you will find the USI Policy book for 2019/2020. This has been updated to reflect the motions passed at USI Congress 2019, all policies have a lasting date of 3 years and can be brought back to Congress thereafter.
Interim policies can be passed at USI National Council and will be added to the policy file on that basis.

All Minutes of USI National Council can be found here, these will be updated once approved by the following meeting of National Council which takes place approximately every 6 weeks.

The Union of Students in Ireland draft Democratic Review will be available to read here in December, 2019. Changes outlined in the review will take effect if approved through USI Congress 2020.

The Union of Students in Ireland draft Strategic Plan will be available to read here in December, 2019. Changes outlined in the plan will take effect if approved through USI Congress 2020.

Documents from previous years will be made available to you upon emailing USI President, Lorna Fitzpatrick at president@usi.ie