There is a significant opportunity in Budget 2025 for the Government to finally address the serious challenges facing third-level students, according to the Union of Students in Ireland.

USI’s costed pre-budget submission, which sets out the significant and increasing costs incurred by students across Ireland, has been sent to every TD ahead of Budget 2025 and is published today on

In the submission, USI says the Government has the chance to shape the future of this generation of students.

Last year the USI pre-Budget campaign highlighted how the Government was expected to have a €65 billion surplus over three years, the majority of which it was set to put in a rainy-day fund while students are being forced to choose between pursuing their education and securing basic living conditions.

And now added to the expected surplus is the €13 billion Apple has been ordered to pay Ireland in unpaid taxes by the European Court of Justice, which could address these problems multiple times over.

USI President, Chris Clifford, said: “The severe shortage of accessible and affordable accommodation has left many students in a constant state of anxiety, forcing them to choose between pursuing their education and securing basic living conditions. The cost of travel, particularly for those who must commute long distances, increases these difficulties, while the burden of high fees also continues to act as a significant barrier for many.

“Access to education should not be limited to those who can afford it. Every person has a right to an education, but the higher education sector is becoming increasingly exclusionary as financial struggles force some to make the heartbreaking decision to abandon their education altogether. USI is calling on the Government to make provision in Budget 2025 to properly address the student financial crisis and make going to college a realistic aim for every young person in Ireland.”

Among the key asks in the USI Pre-Budget 2025 Submission are:

  • Fund the building of the 30,000-bed shortfall in student accommodation
  • Reduce fees by €1,500 now and introduce a plan to abolish fees over the next few years
  • Free public transport for all students

Read or download the USI Pre-Budget 2025 Submission here.