An Foclóir Aiteach/The Queer Dictionary

An updated 2nd edition of An Foclóir Aiteach/The Queer Dictionary was launched in Galway in November 2022.  You can find the updated edition here

USI is delighted to launch this dictionary today, alongside the Transgender Equality Network of Ireland (TENI) and BelongTo. We began this project as we believed that it was right that everyone would be able to recognise themselves in any language, and that they would be able to describe themselves in any
language. The Irish language showed us that she was up to this challenge, and it gives us great pleasure to say that we succeeded in putting The Queer Dictionary together. As language changes, and as people change, however, the Dictionary will change in the future. It is a working document.




Lesbian Leispiach
Gay Aerach
Bisexual Déghnéasach
Transgender Trasinscneach
Queer Aiteach
Questioning Ceisteach
Intersex Idirghnéas
Pansexual Painghnéasach
Two-Spirit Dé-anamúil
Duine a bhfuil dhá spiorad ann/inti/iontu
Asexual Gan-ghnéasach

Liosta Aibítreach na Téarmaíochta /Alphabetical List of Terminology

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) SEIF (Siondróm Easpa Imdhíonachta Faighte)
Agender Gan inscne
Ally Comhghuaillí
Androgynous / Androgyne Andraigíneach
Androgyn Insensitivity Syndrome Galar Neamhmhothálach Andraigín
Antibody Antasubstaint
Antibody status Stádas Antasubstainte
Aromantic Gan-rómánsach
Asexual Gan-ghnéasach
Bicurious Dá-fhiosrach
Bigender Dá-inscneach
Binding Brú
Biphobia Dáfoibé
Bisexual Dághnéasach
Bodily Autonomy Féinriail Coirp
Bottom surgery Bunmháinliacht
Chromosome(s) Crómosó(i)m
Chromosome patterns Leagan amach na gCrómósóm
Cisgender Cis-inscneach
Cisnormativity Cis-ghnáthach
Cissexism Cis-ghnéasachas
Closeted Faoi choim (Lit: Under a cloak)
Coming Out Teacht amach
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Hipearpláise Aidréineach Comhbheirthe
Cross-living Trasbheomhar
Demiromantic Leath-rómánsach
Demisexual Leath-ghnéasach
Demigender Leath-inscneach
Drag king Rí Draig
Drag queen Banríon Draig
Electrolysis Leictrealú
Feminine-presenting Léiriú Baineann
Masculine-presenting Léiriú Fireann
Female to Male (FTM) Baineann go Fireann (BGF)
Fluidity Solúbhthacht
Gay Aerach
Gender binary Dénárthacht inscne
Gender confirmation surgery Máinliacht Dhaingniú Inscne
Gender Cues Leideanna Inscne
Gender dysphoria Diosfóiria Inscne
Gender expression Nochtadh Inscne
Genderfluid Inscne-sholúbtha
Gender Identity Disorder Neamhord Fhéiniúlacht Inscne
Gender Normative Gnáthach ó thaobh na hinscne de
Gender normativity Normatacht inscne*
Gender performance Léiriú Insce
Genderqueer Inscne-aiteach
Gender variant Inscne-mhalartach
Genitals Baill ghiniúna
Gonads Gónaid
Heteronormativity Heitreanormatacht
Heterosexism Heitrighnéasachas
Heterosexual Heitrighnéasach
Heterosexual Privilege Pribhléid Heitrea-ghnéasach
HIV (Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus) VEID (Víreas Easpa Imdhíonachta Daonna)
Homophobia Homafóibe
Homosexual Homaighnéasach
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Teiripe Athsholáthair Hormón
Institutional Oppression Leatrom Institiúideach
Intergender Idir-Inscneach
Intersex Idirghnéas
Lesbian Leispiach
Legal Transition Trasdul Dhlíthiúil
Male to Female (MTF) Fireann go Baineann (FGB)
Man of transgender experience/history Fear a bhfuil taithí thrasinscneach aige
Fear a bhfuil stair thrasinscneach aige
Medical Transition Trasdul Leighis
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Fir a mbíonn gnéas acu le fir (FGF)
Multigender Il-inscnéach
Neutrois Neodrach ó thaobh na hinscne de
Non-binary Neamh-dhénártha
Non-op Gan Obráid
Packing Pacáil
Pansexual Il-ghnéasach
Passing Saorchead
Polyamory/Polyamorous Il-leannánacht/Il-leannánach
Post-op Iar-Obráid
Pre-op Réamh- Obráid
PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) Próifiolacsas Roimh an Nochtaidh
PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) Próifiolacsas Tar Éis an Nochtaidh
Questioning Ceisteach
Romantic orientation Claonadh Rómánsach
Social Transition Trasdul Shóisialta
Seroconcordent Séirea-Comhréireach
Serodiscordent Séirea-Neamhréireach
Sex characteristics Tréithe gnéis
Sexual Orientation Gnéaschlaonadh
Shaming Náiriú
Spivakian Pronouns Forainmneacha Spivikian
Surgery Máinliacht
Third gender Tríú Inscne
Top surgery Barrmháinliacht
Trans Tras
Transgender Trasinscneach
Transition Trasdul
Trans man Fear tras
Transphobia Uamhan tras
Transvestite Trasfheisteoir
Trans woman Bean thras
Tucking Folú
Two-Spirit Dhá-Anamúil
Variation of Sex Development Comhathrú i bhForbairt Gnéis
Woman of transgender experience/history Bean a bhfuil taithí thrasinsceach aici

Bean a bhfuil stair thrasinscneach aici

Women who have Sex with Women (WSW) Mná a mbíonn gnéas acu le mná (MGM)