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HEA Chief breaks with Government on cut of postgraduate grants

[…]arbitrary ‘cliffs’ in relation to the distance a student must live from their institution in order to qualify for assistance. Students’ Union Training is organised by the Union of Students in Ireland (USI). USI President John Logue said: “Tom Boland’s statement on this issue re-affirms what USI has known all along: that the decision to cut the postgraduate maintenance grant was hastily made and with little thought of the longterm consequences for both students and the State. Postgraduate qualifications are becoming a pre-requisite for many high-skilled jobs. With his decision to cut the maintenance grant, the Minister ensured that attaining a […]
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USI urges Labour: Stand up for students

[…]USI urges the Minister and his colleagues to urgently seek a re-negotiation of the agreement in order to ensure that students and their families won’t be targeted for further cutbacks and fee increases. The pay of senior academics and staff, incremental wage increases and entitlements all need to be examined before Budget 2013. Further cuts to the grant and increases in tuition fees are inequitable and unsustainable ways to fund a sector that is overflowing with wasteful spending. UCC President Michael Murphy is now on record saying that he finds it ‘challenging’ to live on €232,000. Dr Murphy is the […]

Students Register to Vote Ahead of 2019/2020 Elections

[…]is solely due to climate change, we need to elect a Government who will work on climate justice in order to help the earth survive.  We are calling on Generation Vote to put themselves on the register and make a change in the ballot box.” The Union of Students in Ireland represent over 374,000 students across the island of Ireland  Students can download the form online via or call into their Students’ Union to grab one.  In the past 5 year alone, USI have registered over 95,000 students to […]
Read more » Students Register to Vote Ahead of 2019/2020 Elections

USI Welcome the Re-Introduction of Postgraduate Grants and Encourage Students to Apply Early

[…]their studies” she said. The postgraduate grant was removed by the Government in 2012 in order to save €50 million per year. The move was criticised heavily at the time by many groups including USI. The decision resulted in a 5% reduction in the number of students applying for postgraduate courses. The postgraduate grant, which will be available for postgraduate students entering college in September 2017, was announced in Budget 2018 and came after a prolonged campaign by USI on the issue. The programme for a Partnership Government contained a commitment “to increase support for postgraduates with a particular focus […]
Read more » USI Welcome the Re-Introduction of Postgraduate Grants and Encourage Students to Apply Early

Union of Students in Ireland statement

[…]lives. This racism takes many forms: being turned away for accommodation, racial profiling at the border and abuse on the streets to name just a few. This affects students on our campuses and also in wider society. We are committed to tackling racism with Higher Education Institutions and at all levels of Irish society. The system of Direct Provision is an inhumane and racist system that must be abolished. We believe that ending Direct Provision is a step towards making this nation more inclusive to the refugees and asylum seekers who come here and the USI will continue to campaign, […]

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