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USI and RTB launch the Finance and Accommodation Guide to prep new Students for College

  The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) and the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) launched the 2016 Finance and Accommodation guide in Maynooth Students’ Union on Tuesday the 30th August in preparation for students coming to college. The guide details the rights and obligations students have while renting in accommodation and includes tips and advice for students who may be renting for the first time. It also informs students on the new tenancies regulations set by the Residential Tenancy Act 2015. The guide has a rent book and inventory checklist included, so students can record any damages or missing utensils […]
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Winning Marriage Equality – a new year’s resolution

Yesterday, USI welcomed the Government’s commitment to holding a referendum on equal access to civil marriage in 2015. According to media reports,  early May has been provisionally set by the Government as the timeframe for the vote. USI has always advocated that April would be a more suitable time for students as it takes account of the reality that May is exam time for most students. Friday the 24th of April would be an opportune time to hold this referendum and it would allow us to capitalise and deliver a higher student turn-out. The 1st of May is also a Friday and […]
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Preparing for Marriage Equality Referendum, Cork – USI President’s speech

Remarks of President Laura Harmon Gresham Metropole Hotel, Cork City, February 5th, 2015 Hi everyone, It’s wonderful to be here with you all this evening in the real capital. Thanks to Fine Gael LGBT and particularly to Deputy Jerry Buttimer for the invite. It’s also an honour to be in the company of such an accomplished panel and the Minister for Justice and Equality. As a proud Cork woman myself, I’ll be casting my Yes vote in Cork North West, in Baile Bhúirne. It might sound biased but it’s true that I’ve always found Cork people to have a great […]
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USI Physical Health Strategy

USI adopted a new Physical Health Strategy at its Congress in 2012.  This text represents the strategy as passed by USI Congress. USI Physical Health Strategy Adopted by USI Congress 2012 Contents 1) Why is it important to promote physical activity? 1.1)        How Active are young people? 1.2)        Benefits of Exercise. 1.3)        How to avoid injury with physical activity 1.4)        Cost benefits of physical activity. 1.5)        A positive outlook 1.6)        Gender         1.6.1)   What benefits do young women think physical activity will give them?    2) Actions & Recommendations 2.1)   Link between physical activity & […]

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