Postgraduate Affairs

by | Dec 16, 2019

More than 50,000 postgraduate

researchers and students work and study in colleges across Ireland.




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USI Elections

UPDATE: Full updated information on USI Executive Team elections can be found here.  Nominations are now open for USI Executive Team elections.  Official notification is below, along with a gallery on how to seek election and the roles of each officer, and guidance on...

RIA Election Debate

RIA Election Debate

The Royal Irish Academy, in cooperation with USI, IUA and THEA, invites you to an election debate on the Future Funding of Higher Education and Research in Ireland. The event is being kindly hosted by Trinity College Dublin in the Business School. We have invited all...

Budget 2020 Does Not Reflect Student Needs 

Budget 2020 Does Not Reflect Student Needs 

Budget 2020 Does Not Reflect Student Needs  The Union of Students in Ireland have continuously called for funding into higher education but students asks remain unanswered. It is evident that students have been largely ignored in Budget 2020, there were zero changes...