Postgraduate Affairs

by | Dec 16, 2019

More than 50,000 postgraduate

researchers and students work and study in colleges across Ireland.




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FAQs on Fees, Withdrawals and Disputes

FAQs on Fees, Withdrawals and Disputes

Can I arrange to pay my fees in installments? Most higher education institutions will facilitate some form of installment plan for fees. At a minimum, colleges that allow for installments will allow you to split the €3,000 into two payments of €1,500. Some...

USI and HSE tell STIs to SHAG off

USI and HSE tell STIs to SHAG off

USI Officers and local SU teams have gone on the offensive against sexually transmitted infections this week, with the launch of a major revamped SHAG campaign. The campaign, supported by the Health Service Executive, is taking campuses by storm across Ireland after...

The Week in USI 22-27 January 2017

The Week in USI 22-27 January 2017

General Nominations for the USI officer board elections are open. For information as to how to participate, click here. We’re also reviewing our constitution and want to hear what our members think. More information available here.   Other work This afternoon,...

USI Elections Open

USI Elections Open

USI ANNUAL CONGRESS 2017 USI Annual Congress 2017 will occur from Monday 27th March, 2017 to Thursday 30th March, 2017. NOMINATIONS Nominations for the following positions will open on Monday 16th January, 2017 and must be submitted prior to 5.00pm on Monday 20th...