Postgraduate Affairs

by | Dec 16, 2019

More than 50,000 postgraduate

researchers and students work and study in colleges across Ireland.




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Everyone Loves Nurses: Am I Worth €6.49?

Everyone Loves Nurses: Am I Worth €6.49?

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI), student representatives and student nurses gathered outside Dáil Éireann today (Thursday 6th February) at 11.30 am to launch the ‘Everyone Loves Nurses’ campaign. The launch is taking place ahead of a larger demonstration that...

Considering changing courses?

Considering changing courses?

If you withdraw before January 31st & reapply through the CAO you will pay 50% of your tuition fees for the first year of your new course plus the student contribution charge. If you withdraw later than this date you may be required to pay the full amount of...