Postgraduate Student Survey 2022

[CLOSED] Winter Postgraduate Student Survey 2022

The Vice President of Postgraduate Affairs in USI is carrying out this survey to lobby the government to bring in a national stipend for postgraduates and to discuss postgraduate working commitments. The VP for postgraduate affairs is also a postgraduate researcher who understands the many complexities of postgraduate research and work life balance. Through consultation with postgraduate students it has been determined that there is a disparity in postgraduate student stipends in Ireland. This Postgraduate Student Survey is to find out where these disparities lie. The data collected from this survey will inform a national picture of the teaching responsibilities and the funding postgraduates receive. The data will be collated and presented to the Research Graduate Education Working Group and the National Forum for Doctoral Education Advisory Forum which the VP for Postgraduate Affairs and representatives from the Department of Further and Higher Education are members. The data will be used to initiate a discussion around increasing postgraduate funding nationally and will be presented within the working groups. All this data will be presented as an overall picture and no individual will be identifiable from the published results.

The data will be correlated and presented to the Research Graduate Education Working Group and the National Forum for Doctoral Education Advisory Forum. The data will be used to initiate a discussion around increasing postgraduate funding nationally.

No personally identifying information will be collected (IP addresses are automatically collected but will be unpaired from data before analysis).  All this data is presented as an overall picture and individual response cases will not be presented.


The Survey has now closed.