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Students at breaking point- USI calls for protection of student supports in October’s Budget

[…]also impacts on the mental health and academic output of students, and increases pressures on families already struggling with recessionary times but determined to keep their sons and daughters in third-level education. The Union of Students in Ireland, in partnership with Amárach Research, will be carrying out a survey of third-level students throughout the summer months, collecting data on the financial situation of students and their families at present and how this is impacting on their mental health. It is clear that the cashflow difficulties and financial difficulties facing the students of today have reached breaking point for many, and […]
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USI welcomes Positive Impact of Gender Quotas in GE, calling it Huge Progress in Gender Balance in Politics

[…]means that almost 4 in 5 politicians are still male. While there is a long way to go to achieve true gender balance in politics, the gender quota is a good start. A diversity of voices in our politics will lead to more robust decisions, and help create a more equal, broader and more dynamic society.”   The Union of Students in Ireland organises a Women in Leadership Training weekend every year and had more female speakers than male at this year’s Student Summit in Dublin castle on the 4th February. The USI said the strength of gender quotas lies […]
Read more » USI welcomes Positive Impact of Gender Quotas in GE, calling it Huge Progress in Gender Balance in Politics

The Union of Students in Ireland Unveils ‘The Tinder of Politics’ Revolutionising the General Election

[…]Noonan of the Green Party has said “Smartvote is the future of political campaigning!” The Smartvote team went to every county council and got the list of addresses for the new constituencies. Users just need to type in their street or town and Smartvote will tell them their constituency and their candidates.   Smartvote goes live on Wed 13th January. Click here to try it now – […]
Read more » The Union of Students in Ireland Unveils ‘The Tinder of Politics’ Revolutionising the General Election

USI Launches Seminar Series on ‘Women in Society’

[…]women travel abroad every year to get an abortion. Laura Harmon, USI Vice-President for Equality & Citizenship said: “We are excited to be holding these seminars on campuses across the country and we hope that discussions will be generated around gender equality issues and barriers that women face in progressing in their careers. These seminars will be a great opportunity for students to hear from successful women who are in leadership positions and to ask them about their experiences. Needless to say, the seminars are open to everyone, regardless of gender.” Sian Cowman, Auditor of UCC Feminist Society, said that […]
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