Will you support fully publicly funded third level education in Ireland

 Will you reject any move towards a student loan scheme system in Ireland;

 Will you raise this as a motion in your council (unless this has already been moved and passed previously);

  Will you seek to shape your party policy to ensure commitment to publicly funded education;

  Will you support grant adjacency rate reform, along with increased investment in SUSI to ensure greater support to access to third level education;

  Will you support the provision of purpose built student accommodation if your area is near a third level institution;

  Meet with local Students’ Unions in the first year of your term, if elected;


  Will you support fully publicly funded third level education in Ireland;

  Will you reject any move towards a student loan scheme system;

  Will you support increased funding to the multiannual financial framework for research education and lifelong learning;

  Will you support increased investment in the Erasmus+ programme to increase access for underrepresented groups, in particular students with disabilities;


  Will you support ending the direct provision system in Ireland;

  Will you fully and proactively support the integration of refugees and asylum seekers in your area;


  Will you support action and legislation to develop a proactive and protective response to migration challenges, ensuring that the EU respects, protects and fulfils the human rights of migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers;

  Will you support the ending of the Direct Provision system in Ireland;


  Will you support increased investment in public transport links, in rural and urban areas, including improved cycling facilities;

  Will you support improved access to waste reduction and recycling facilities in your local area;

  Will you support significant efforts to reduce the amount of single use plastic used in Council activities and by local businesses;

  Will you support increased initiatives for carbon emission reduction across council services, for homeowners and business owners;

  Will you support and call on your party and the Government to introduce a deposit and return scheme or similar initiatives to reduce dramatically the reliance on single-use plastic cups;


  Will you commit to protecting our seas by ending off-shore drilling;

  Will you commit to ensuring the EU budget encourages investment in renewables  and commits to phasing out fossil and nuclear energy

  Will you commit to supporting a just transition for workers and communities;

  Will you commit to expanding protected natural areas to preserve key ecosystems;

Candidates; sign the Student Manifesto:

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