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USI calls on students to turn out in force for this weekend’s National Demonstration for Palestine, co-organised by the union

The Union of Students in Ireland is calling on students to join this weekend’s National Demonstration for Palestine, which is being co-organised by the union, to show that students stand for peace and against apartheid in Gaza. USI has joined with the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign and other civil society organisations to organise the march from the Garden of Remembrance on Saturday, November 18 at 1pm. Organisers are hoping to bring record numbers to the streets, and USI wants students to show that we stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine and are calling for an end to the on-going […]
Read more » USI calls on students to turn out in force for this weekend’s National Demonstration for Palestine, co-organised by the union

Story about student renter being told not to use kitchen is digs proves we need legislation not guidelines – USI

Emails between a Fianna Fáil councillor and her student lodger revealed in the media this weekend show that urgent legislation is needed to cover digs accommodation and not just the ‘guidelines’ that Minister Simon Harris is currently championing, says the Union of Students in Ireland. The emails from Cllr Deirdre Conroy show that the French student who was in Dublin for a summer internship was told not to cook in the kitchen, to wash plates in the bathroom sink and that the €260 a week rent was “very low”. USI had previously been contacted by the Department of Further and […]
Read more » Story about student renter being told not to use kitchen is digs proves we need legislation not guidelines – USI

Blood For All campaign to end donation ban on MSM backed by USI

USI is proud to back the Blood For All campaign, which is calling for for an end to the ban on men who have sex with men donating blood for a year after sex. This should be done to end the unfair discrimination. However, would also help to tackle the shortage of donated blood available in Ireland right now // // // Tá AMLÉ ag tacú leis an bhfeachtas Blood For All atá ag iarraidh go gcuirfear deireadh leis an gcosc ar fir a mbíonn caidreamh collaí acu le fir eile fuil a dheonadh ar feadh bliain i ndiaidh chollaíochta. […]
Read more » Blood For All campaign to end donation ban on MSM backed by USI

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