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Union of Students in Ireland welcomes scrapping of Green Paper on Disability Reform, hard fought for by disability activists

[…]have said before, it is also completely wrong to talk about putting people into ‘tiers’ in order to decided what support they should get. We also join calls for the Disability Allowance to be increased to cover the cost-of-living in Ireland, as it currently falls completely short of […]
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Student Digs: National Survey 2023 report published

[…]a requirement to have a written agreement which sets out minimum protections for both parties in order to benefit from the rent-a-room tax breaks, but Government repeatedly says that such legislation would put homeowners off renting out rooms in their homes. However, this research shows that most homeowners feel more secure having an agreement, and the lack of legislation simply allows more malign homeowners a free reign to do whatever they when renting out a room to students or others. With the ability to make €14,000 on offer, there should be some basic rules and requirements, to stop people being evicted or […]
Read more » Student Digs: National Survey 2023 report published

‘Important and needed’ mental health funding still leaves student services below recommended levels

[…]Day in September, USI called for Government to increase this funding to €11.5 million in order to reach safe counsellor to student ratios to help combat the mental health crisis currently affecting our young people, including our students. Colette continued: “These aren’t USI recommended ratios, they are the internationally accepted figures. And I think if anyone considers the struggles young people currently face and how many people they know that suffer from mental health issues, they would not think that one counsellor for every 2,240 students is enough. Also, it is not fair for Government to expect these services to […]
Read more » ‘Important and needed’ mental health funding still leaves student services below recommended levels

USI backs calls by disability activists for the Government’s Green Paper on Disability Reform to be scraped

[…]other such payments. It is also completely wrong to talk about putting people into ‘tiers’ in order to decided what support they should get. “USI, along with our members, calls for the Disability Allowance be increased to cover the cost-of-living in Ireland. But the most important thing that disability activists and their supporters are demanding is proper inclusion in the preparation of plans that will affect their whole lives. There must be meaning engagement and partnership. USI is preparing a submission to the Department of Social Protection to this affect and will continue to support protests like today’s.” USI urges […]
Read more » USI backs calls by disability activists for the Government’s Green Paper on Disability Reform to be scraped

Students and supporters urged to join protest at Trinity College NOW in support of student occupation and banner drop at College Green

[…]with the Palestinian People, TCD SU and TCD BDS have occupied a room in the university in order to display banners looking out on College Green calling for the college to end ties with Israel, and in support of the Palestinian people. TCD SU President László Molnárfi has also been in direct contact with Trinity’s Junior Dean and Provost to request, in the strongest terms, that they tell security at Trinity not to use force against their own students and Students’ Union officers after they tried to physically remove them from the room earlier. USI’s Vice President, Zaid Al-Barghouthi: “I […]
Read more » Students and supporters urged to join protest at Trinity College NOW in support of student occupation and banner drop at College Green

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