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USI stands in solidarity with Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union encampment and pledges support for other similar student protests

[…]of the majority of staff and students at Trinity College. A recent poll carried out by Trinity News showed 76 per cent of students agree they have been effective. Protests that the college deem to be in line with their ‘rules’ would not work. That is not real protest. Through the fine and ongoing threats of more fines or exclusions from the college, management is punishing students for caring about the university’s complicity in genocide and about current and future students who cannot afford to pay high rents or more fees and are essentially being sent the message that third-level […]
Read more » USI stands in solidarity with Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union encampment and pledges support for other similar student protests

National Students Action Group currently occupying the Department of Finance to demand action on student cost-of-living and accommodation crisis

[…]afford to be quiet about the terrible conditions currently impacting students and staff that are breaking the futures of Ireland’s youth, so we are speaking out.” The six main demands are: Permanent funding to bring student counselling services to a 1:1000 ratio of counsellors to students Increase in core grant funding for institutions to plug the €307 million funding gap in the third-level education sector Abolish tuition fees and move to a fully free higher education system Seize vacant housing, restore the eviction ban and introduce rent controls to affordable levels End precarious work in universities, among both academic and […]
Read more » National Students Action Group currently occupying the Department of Finance to demand action on student cost-of-living and accommodation crisis

“Government engaging in smoke and mirrors in relation to student accommodation” – USI

[…]policy response will, for the first time, see the state providing financial support in the construction of on-site student accommodation, and underpins the policy commitments set out in Housing for All. I am pleased today to confirm Government has approved my proposal to directly intervene in the delivery of student accommodation.” (statement here) USI President, Chris Clifford said: “When we heard through the media last week that Minister Harris was bring a new policy to the cabinet meeting and that the new strategy would be published on Friday, we were relieved that there finally seemed to be some action around the […]
Read more » “Government engaging in smoke and mirrors in relation to student accommodation” – USI

USI statement on the situation in Palestine

[…]of Ireland, the European Union and its allies to act immediately against the breaking of these fundamental international humanitarian laws. On October 9, Israeli Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant, publicly showcased the disproportionate nature of the response of the state of Israel on the people of Gaza when he stated: “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we act accordingly.” This statement indicates a complete disregard for the lives of the people living under siege in Gaza, and amounts to […]

USI hosts Oireachtas lobby day to outline student priorities for Budget 2024

[…]Cairns, Social Democrats  Ivana Bacik, Labour  John Paul Phelan, Fianna Fáil  Lisa Chambers, Fianna Fáil  Lynn Ruane, Independent  Mairead Farrell, Sinn Fein  Marc O Cathasaigh, Green Party  Martin Kenny, Sinn Fein  Michael Healy-Rae, Independent  Mick Barry, People Before Profit  Ned O’ Sullivan, Fianna Fáil  Pa Daly, Sinn Fein  Pádraig O’Sullivan, Fianna Fáil  Patrick Costello, Green Party  Paudie O’Sullivan, Fianna Fáil  Paul Donnelly, Sinn Fein  Pauline O’Reilly, Green Party  Peadar Toibin, Aontu  Roderic O’Gorman, Green Party  Roisin Shortall, Social Democrats  Ruairi O Murchu, Sinn Fein Thomas Gould, Sinn Fein Violet-Anne Wynne, Independent  The flyer we gave out on the day is below – click in to […]
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