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Lack of support for third-level students makes it seem like Government wants to hand young people a plane ticket along with their Leaving Cert. results – USI

[…]their speeches today, both Ministers Chambers and Donohoe talked about the importance of education and young people in our society, and yet they did nothing for third-level students. They seem to think that support for education should stop at secondary school. They talked about wanting to make Ireland the best place in the world to be a child, but between the cost of going to college, the lack of student accommodation and no mention of specific supports for students, it seems like they want to hand young people a plane ticket along with their Leaving Cert. results. “While we welcome […]
Read more » Lack of support for third-level students makes it seem like Government wants to hand young people a plane ticket along with their Leaving Cert. results – USI

Tacaíonn AMLÉ le hagóid thábhachtach ar son chearta na Gaeilge ag Stáisiún Grand Central Bhéal Feirste

[…]Students in Ireland fully supports the protest that took place at the Belfast Grand Central Station on Thursday over the lack Irish signage at the new transport hub in a blatant disregard of Irish language rights. The move by Northern Ireland’s public transport operator, Translink, to open Belfast Grand Central Station without any provision for dual-language signage is extremely disappointing and USI welcomes the action by An Dream Dearg to demand our basic language rights be upheld. An Dream Dearg have been seeking to engage with Translink on this issue since 2022 to ensure this did not happen. USI Leas […]
Read more » Tacaíonn AMLÉ le hagóid thábhachtach ar son chearta na Gaeilge ag Stáisiún Grand Central Bhéal Feirste

Stephen Grogan: An Appreciation

[…]Students in Ireland (USI) president sued and threatened with imprisonment for publishing information on where Irish women could access abortion services in Britain. In 1989, he and his fellow USI executive members, along with officers from Trinity and UCD students unions including the current Labour Party leader Ivana Bacik, were warned by their counsel, Mary Robinson, to pack their toothbrushes and prepare for jail after breaching the statewide ban. But human rights advocate Robinson, who would become President of Ireland the following year, ultimately succeeded in getting the case, brought against them by the Society for the Protection of Unborn […]

Delays in 358 bed student accommodation project shows lack of urgency and will to address student accommodation crisis – USI and Trinity College SU

[…]for 358 student beds can be delivered as soon as possible, says Trinity College Students Union and the Union of Students in Ireland. In response to a Parliamentary Question asked by Cian O’Callaghan TD on behalf of TCDSU and USI, Minister for Further and Higher Education, Patrick O’Donovan confirmed that planned student accommodation at Trinity Halls in Dartry, which has planning permission, has passed a due diligence assessment by the Higher Education Authority. However, the Minister said the project cannot begin until funding is found to bring the project to tender. Minister O’Donovan said: “I am continuing to work across […]
Read more » Delays in 358 bed student accommodation project shows lack of urgency and will to address student accommodation crisis – USI and Trinity College SU

USI stands in solidarity with Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union encampment and pledges support for other similar student protests

[…]Union of Students in Ireland stands in solidarity with Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union and the Trinity students who have set up an encampment for Palestine on the campus.   USI also strongly condemns attempts by the college to fine the Students’ Union €214,000 for using their right to protest to demand the university cuts ties with Israel, as it carries out genocide against the Palestinian people. TCD Students’ Union and Trinity students have carried out a number of protests against the college’s links with Israel and against attempts by Trinity management to increase rents and fees for students, which […]
Read more » USI stands in solidarity with Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union encampment and pledges support for other similar student protests

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