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Stephen Grogan: An Appreciation

[…]of the European Students’ Union, and then a year as Secretary General of the European Youth Forum in Brussels. He returned to Dublin in 1998 to work with the Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed, and finally headed home to Mayo where he managed the Ballyhaunis Family Resource Centre before his sudden death on August 17. It was no surprise he travelled so widely. In his spell with USI, it was clear he was a political polyglot, able to speak and understand the many different languages of union leaders across the island. He was equally comfortable debating the potential pitfalls […]

Vacancy: NStEP Manager

[…]of information, review and synthesise research and policy, and write succinct, informative and instructive reports/guidelines that will be of benefit to the sector Desirable competences: An understanding of relevant national and international higher education structures and policies related to student engagement, quality, and teaching and learning (such as the Irish Survey of Student Engagement and strategies of NStEP partners) to ensure efficiencies and synergies at national level Commitment to the creation of an environment that promotes equality of opportunity whilst recognising and valuing diversity Salary & Conditions The employer for this role is the Union of Students in Ireland. The […]

USI stands in solidarity with Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union encampment and pledges support for other similar student protests

[…]of the majority of staff and students at Trinity College. A recent poll carried out by Trinity News showed 76 per cent of students agree they have been effective. Protests that the college deem to be in line with their ‘rules’ would not work. That is not real protest. Through the fine and ongoing threats of more fines or exclusions from the college, management is punishing students for caring about the university’s complicity in genocide and about current and future students who cannot afford to pay high rents or more fees and are essentially being sent the message that third-level […]
Read more » USI stands in solidarity with Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union encampment and pledges support for other similar student protests

National Students Action Group currently occupying the Department of Finance to demand action on student cost-of-living and accommodation crisis

[…]this lunchtime, and a number entered the building and intend to stay there until they can deliver a letter outlining their demands to one of the senior finance ministers. The main aim of the National Students Action Group, an offshoot of the national student movement, is to stage demonstrations and direct actions to directly tackle Government on the student cost-of-living crisis. In the letter, which is attached, they say: “We can no longer afford to be quiet about the terrible conditions currently impacting students and staff that are breaking the futures of Ireland’s youth, so we are speaking out.” The six […]
Read more » National Students Action Group currently occupying the Department of Finance to demand action on student cost-of-living and accommodation crisis

Student Digs: National Survey 2023 report published

[…]Digs Survey at the end of the last academic year to see what is really going on for students that live in, or have lived in, digs. And this report puts forward the results of that research. “One of the key takeaways for us from this survey is that all parties, homeowners and students, feel better and more protected when they have an agreement in writing. Most people want the arrangements to be set out in advance, so everyone knows where they stand.” The report also sets out USI’s recommendations for dealing with the issues face by the students living […]
Read more » Student Digs: National Survey 2023 report published

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