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Lack of support for third-level students makes it seem like Government wants to hand young people a plane ticket along with their Leaving Cert. results – USI

[…]the chance to shape the future of this generation of students, but this opportunity was ignored today. USI’s three main pre-budget asks were: Fund the building of the 30,000-bed shortfall in student accommodation Reduce fees by €1,500 now and introduce a plan to abolish fees over the next few years Free public transport for all […]
Read more » Lack of support for third-level students makes it seem like Government wants to hand young people a plane ticket along with their Leaving Cert. results – USI

USI publishes 2025 Pre-Budget Submission

[…]the serious challenges facing third-level students, according to the Union of Students in Ireland. USI’s costed pre-budget submission, which sets out the significant and increasing costs incurred by students across Ireland, has been sent to every TD ahead of Budget 2025 and is published today on In the submission, USI says the Government has the chance to shape the future of this generation of students. Last year the USI pre-Budget campaign highlighted how the Government was expected to have a €65 billion surplus over three years, the majority of which it was set to put in a rainy-day fund while students are being forced […]

Stephen Grogan: An Appreciation

[…]Labour Party leader Ivana Bacik, were warned by their counsel, Mary Robinson, to pack their toothbrushes and prepare for jail after breaching the statewide ban. But human rights advocate Robinson, who would become President of Ireland the following year, ultimately succeeded in getting the case, brought against them by the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), redirected from Dublin High Court to the European Court of Justice. And by 1992, the prohibition on the provision of information on pregnancy termination outside the state would be removed by virtue of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. In November 2023, […]

In memory of former USI President, Stephen Grogan

[…]role in not only the student movement, but also in the battle to legalise abortion in Ireland, and a range of other social issues. Stephen bravely stood up for the right to information during a time when abortion was illegal in Ireland, even being named in a court case by an anti-choice organisation for doing so. His legacy will be long remembered. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a […]
Read more » In memory of former USI President, Stephen Grogan

Delays in 358 bed student accommodation project shows lack of urgency and will to address student accommodation crisis – USI and Trinity College SU

[…]Ireland. In response to a Parliamentary Question asked by Cian O’Callaghan TD on behalf of TCDSU and USI, Minister for Further and Higher Education, Patrick O’Donovan confirmed that planned student accommodation at Trinity Halls in Dartry, which has planning permission, has passed a due diligence assessment by the Higher Education Authority. However, the Minister said the project cannot begin until funding is found to bring the project to tender. Minister O’Donovan said: “I am continuing to work across Government to identify potential sources of funding to progress the short and long term policies and programmes for student accommodation. My officials […]
Read more » Delays in 358 bed student accommodation project shows lack of urgency and will to address student accommodation crisis – USI and Trinity College SU

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