USI’s Equality Policies
2022 EM (EQ) 2: Improving Inclusion & Engagement of Ethnic Minorities in USI
2022 EM (EQ) 2: Improving Inclusion & Engagement of Ethnic Minorities in USI
Proposed by DCU Students’ Union
Congress notes
UCD’s recent anti-racist campaign reviewed on March 16th 2022. This campaign highlights the need for increased visibility, representation and, engagement of ethnic minorities in Further & Higher Education. It also calls for explicit anti-racist practices.
Congress further notes
That ethnic minorities at congress are under represented.They account for less than 10% of Congress when as a student body they account for 20% since the 2016 Census and has increased since.
Congress further notes
There are several benefits to increasing ethnic minority representation at Congress. Such as, allowing for ethnic minority students to share their lived experience.
Congress acknowledges
Much work has been done to improve the visibility , engagement, and representation of ethnic minorities since Congress began decades ago. However, campaigns must be created and task groups formed to bring representation in line with the population dynamics of the student population across our Island.
Congress mandates
The VP for Equality and Citizenship to build a strategy to inform ethnic minorities of their rights to be in attendance as a delegate and/or observer at USI Comhdháil.
Congress further mandates
The VP for Equality & Citizenship to coordinate with sabbatical officers on strategic plans to ensure ethnic minorities are prioritised as active members at USI events, especially USI Comhdháil.
2022 EQ 2: SUSI Proof of Estrangement
2022 EQ 2: SUSI Proof of Estrangement
Proposed by Southern Region Working Group
Comhdháil Notes
Student Universal Support Ireland is a grant system that aims to help bridge the barriers to education for students from a lower socio-economic background. The SUSI maintenance grant has helped thousands of students access education, however there are still some barriers.
Comhdháil Recognises
Currently to prove estrangement students are required to have/provide documentation that can include a court order, a letter from a social worker or from TUSLA. This documentation has proven to be difficult to secure from students across the country, leaving them ineligible to apply for SUSI without submitting records from their parents/guardians.
Comhdháil Therefore Mandates
The VP Equality and Citizenship and VP Welfare in conjunction with the VP Academic Affairs to work with SUSI and TUSLA to investigate other avenues to prove estrangement for students.
Comhdháil Further Mandates
The Coiste Gnó members working on this should aim to begin lobbying prior to the commencement of semester one
2022 EQ 5: T Fund
2022 EQ 5: T Fund
Proposed by TU Dublin Students’ Union
Congress Notes With Concern
That according to TENI, 78% of trans people in the UK and Ireland have thought about ending their lives and 40% have attempted suicide. For many people, beginning and continuing social transition brings significant relief, however college is filled with financial stresses and for many transgender students, name changes and other transition expenses are not an option, even though they are life-saving.
Congress Commends
NUI Galway and other MOs for the introduction of the ‘T fund’ for social transition, aiding students financially with elements of social transition which may include gender affirming items, such as makeup, and dysphoria relieving items like chest binders.
Congress Also Notes
That the USI has a proud history of fundraising for various causes, but more recently does not fundraise annually for charity.
Congress Therefore Mandates
The VP Equality & Citizenship to develop a guidance strategy, based on best practice models, on how to establish a local fund, which USI will then circulate to all member organisations.
Congress Further Mandates
The VP Equality & Citizenship to run a yearly campaign and work with relevant departments and ministers to introduce funding for all HEI’s to be able to provide a T Fund for their trans students.
Congress Therefore Repeals
2020 EQ (NC) 2
2022 EQ 5: Pink Training
2022 EQ 5: Pink Training
Proposed by the Equality & Citizenship Working Group
Comhdháil Notes
Pink Training is an annual event ran by the USI annually that brings together members of the LGBTQI+ Community and allies to empower, explore and educate. Pink Training has played a critical role in establishing a safe space for student activism and change. Furthermore, Pink Training has paved the way for hundreds of delegates each year, to experience a place like no other in Ireland; a space where they can truly be themselves.
Comhdháil applauds
The response of USI’s Pink Training event to critical issues of time that required strong student voices to shift narratives of the LGBTQI+ community. This encompassed the promotion of safe sex, tackling the rise in HIV cases, promoting anti-bullying measures in schools, elevating Trans rights and campaigning for legislative change. This work and impact of Pink Training has been imperative for the queer movement in Ireland in campaigning for social justice and equality for all members of the LGBTQI+ community.
Comhdháil Recognises
Pink Training is organised by the VP Equality and Citizenship each year and is a huge undertaking for the officer. Currently there is no document in existence that explains how the VP Equality and Citizenship should run Pink Training. This may cause potential issues regarding a range of factors such as, but not limited to, the continuity of planning, facilitator vetting, facilitator payments, delegate feedback and contribution.
Comhdháil Mandates
The VP Equality and Citizenship and the Coiste Gnó to continue to organise the annual USI Pink Training.This event should endeavour to include sessions that tackle nuanced LGBTQI+ perspectives such as race, body positivity, disability, drug harm reduction and other extended topics deemed relevant. The location of this training should be agreed upon each year no later than August and should not be held in the same region for more than three consecutive years.
Comhdháil Further Mandates
The VP Equality and Citizenship and any other Coiste Gnó member involved in the organising of Pink Training to produce an Event Planning Document after the training each year.
This document should include how to organise the Training, factoring in costs associated with the training, information on facilitators of the training, feedback from the training and any other information the organisers feel necessary. This document should be produced within three months of the Training and should be passed over to the incoming VP Equality and Citizenship each year.
2022 EQ 6: Reproductive Justice & Abortion Rights
2022 EQ 6: Reproductive Justice & Abortion Rights
Proposed by the Equality & Citizenship Working Group
Comhdháil Acknowledges with pride
That on 25th May 2018, the Irish Electorate voted by a landslide in favour of removing the 8th Amendment (Ireland’s constitutional ban on abortion). Following this, on 22nd October 2019, abortion was decriminalized in Northern Ireland. These are both historical moments in Irish history that many students and young people across Ireland played a role in.
Comhdháil Notes
That even after the recent victories of the repeal of the 8th Amendment in the Republic and decriminalization in the North, there is continued opposition to abortion access by many anti-choice groups throughout Ireland.
Comhdháil Further Notes with Concern
That despite these monumental changes in legislation, abortion access is still heavily limited across Ireland. 371 people travelled from the North and 194 travelled from the Republic of Ireland to England for abortion care during the height of the pandemic.
Due to a lack of commissioned abortion services in the North, abortion access is only currently provided for up to 10 weeks’, through early medical abortion (EMA). Therefore, many pregnant people are still being forced to travel to Great Britain for Healthcare.
If Northern Irish residents wish to access abortion services in the Republic of Ireland, they are required to pay to access care privately and must comply with the mandatory three-day waiting period. In the Republic of Ireland, only 1/10 GPs and 10/19 Maternity Hospitals currently provide abortion care. Combined with the medically unnecessary 3 day waiting period and strict 12-week limit, the small number of providers across the country also results in people from the Republic of Ireland travelling for abortion care.
Comhdháil Believes
Individuals who make the decision to terminate a pregnancy should be supported and cared for in their local healthcare system, rather than disempowered and isolated by having to travel elsewhere to do so. Access to reproductive healthcare is a student welfare issue. The lack of access to abortion services across the island of Ireland can significantly impact the personal and academic lives of students with crisis pregnancies. The inaccessibility of safe and legal abortion in Northern Ireland places an undue burden on students in an already stressful situation. Abortion should be governed by the same robust regulatory and ethical frameworks as all other medical procedures. Abortion reform should be designed in a manner which is inclusive of women, trans men, non-binary, and gender fluid people.
Comhdháil Therefore Mandates
The Vice President for Equality & Citizenship, in solidarity with NUS-USI, to continue to campaign for accessible reproductive healthcare and the removal of barriers to abortion access across the island of Ireland. The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship should support relevant campaigns and organisations in the fight to ‘Free, Safe, Legal and Local’ abortion care.
Comhdháil Further Mandates
That the Vice President for Equality & Citizenship endeavours to support the decriminalisation of abortion across the island of Ireland and actively engage with NUS-USI to ensure our solidarity in the North is as effective as possible.
2022 EQ 7: Equality Events Advisory Groups
2022 EQ 7: Equality Events Advisory Groups
Proposed by the VP Southern Region
Comhdháil Recognises
The VP Equality and Citizenship organises many events every year including but not limited to EMpower, Pink Training, Women Lead, Power of Disability, Mature Student Seminar etc. These events are organised to support, mobilise, empower and engage with students within these events.
Comhdháil acknowledges
The VP Equality and Citizenship may not be a member of the community that the event is aimed towards. This can make organising the events difficult for the VP when ensuring that the events are effective.
Comhdháil Mandates
The VP Equality and Citizenship to set up advisory groups for every Equality Event. These groups should be populated with members of the community that the event is for.
2022 EQ 8: EMpower
2022 EQ 8: EMpower
Proposed by the USI Vice President for Equality & Citizenship
Comhdháil Notes
The importance of recognising and celebrating voices from ethnically diverse communities in Ireland. Over several decades, Irish institutions have witnessed an increase in people of colour and those from Ethnic Minority background enrolling in institutions across the country. This will continue to rise.
Comhdháil Notes with concern
That students from ethnic minority backgrounds can be underrepresented in positions of leadership and representation. This can include, students’ union positions, class representatives, clubs, and societies committee positions etc.
Comhdháil Recognises
The importance of safe spaces for students of colour and ethnic minority students within their journey through third level education in predominantly white and settled institutions. These spaces allow for them to organise, create, and come together as a community in what can sometimes be an isolating environment.
Comhdháil applauds
The success of Pink Training, Women Lead, the conference for students with disabilities, and similar events in the promoting of minority students running for leadership positions. These events have shaped future leaders of Ireland.
Comhdháil Therefore Mandates
The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship to organise an event called EMPower. The aim of this event will be to encourage students of colour and ethnic minorities to take up leadership positions in their institutions, community, and professional lives. The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship should endeavour, that the event;
- Provides a safe space closed to ethnic minority students, where possible.
- Incorporates aspects of culture and social life for ethnic minority students to engage in.
- Is organised in partnership with people of colour and ethnic minorities to ensure the event is tailored to its respective target audience.
2022 EQ 9: Use of Name on Third Level Certificates
2022 EQ 9: Use of Name on Third Level Certificates
Proposed by UCC Students’ Union
Comhdháil Notes
As per current policy of Higher Education Institutions in Ireland, certificates are awarded to students upon graduation with the students’ legal name.
Comhdháil Also Notes
This system of using the legal name may be particularly harmful for non-binary, trans, and students with a gender beyond the binary of male and female. Particularly if a student is in/will be in the process of changing their name legally, and then after the change is made, the name on their certificate does not match their legal name.
Comhdháil Further Notes
This also extends to students who may have divorced parents, a name in Irish spelling, or a non-western name, and the name that they wish to have may be on their Higher Education Institution’s records as being misspelt or incorrect. This can be morally and emotionally harmful if the student does not identify with their given name, or at least how it is spelled on the Higher Education Institution’s databases.
Comhdháil Believes
That while attending/upon graduating from a Higher Education Institutions, students should be given the choice on the name that is used on their graduating certificate. This includes (but not limited to); the spelling of the name (both forename and surname), the use of certain characters (eg. fadas on vowels), the use of non-english characters, etc.
Comhdháil Mandates
The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Vice President for Welfare work with all relevant parties in the Higher Education Sector with an aim towards this option being implemented across all Higher Education Institutions.
2021 EQ (NC) 1: Motion On Residency Criteria For Returning Emigrants
2021 EQ (NC) 1: Motion On Residency Criteria For Returning Emigrants
Proposed by the USI VP for Equality and Citizenship
Congress Notes
That students who have not lived in Ireland or another EU member state for 3 of the last 5 years do not qualify for EU tuition fee levels or the student maintenance grant, regardless of their nationality and/or citizenship.
Congress Regrets
That this policy has particularly affected the many young people who emigrated from Ireland during the economic crisis. Those who wish to return to Ireland to pursue higher education at both undergraduate and postgraduate level face significantly higher non-EU fee levels as a result of their residency in a non-EU state. In practice, this serves as an incentive to defer or reconsider repatriation.
Congress Also Regrets
That for a huge number of emigrants, emigration has not been a “lifestyle choice”. Hundreds of thousands of people have emigrated from Ireland over the past 10 years and many of whom did so under the obligation of a scarcity of opportunity.
Congress Accordingly Asserts
That it is unjust to penalise those Irish citizens who were forced by external circumstances to seek opportunities abroad. Moreover, the current policy is inconsistent with government strategy to incentivise the repatriation of those same emigrants.
Congress Believes
That returning emigrants should be subject to less strict conditions of residency in order to quality for EU fee levels and student supports.
Congress Therefore Mandates
Officer board to liaise with the Department of Education and the Higher Education Authority to pursue the implementation of less strict conditions of residency for these people.
2021 EQ NC 2: Accessibility to Higher Education for Students with Disabilities
2021 EQ NC 2: Accessibility to Higher Education for Students with Disabilities
Proposed by the USI VP Postgraduate Affairs
Congress Notes
The Association for Higher Education Access and Disability (AHEAD) conducted a survey in 2017/2018 which notes that 14, 720 students with disabilities enrolled in third-level education, representing 6.2 percent of the total student population. This notes a 17% increase in one year. USI applauds this increase yet notes that access to third level education is still very restrictive, and students with disabilities still form a minority within the overall student body.
Congress Notes
The need for an in-depth study on numbers of students with disabilities accessing third level education in Ireland, and the Institutional barriers faced by students with disabilities.
Congress Further Notes
That Students’ Unions can play a vital role in the encouragement of more students with disabilities enrolling in third level education, highlighting areas of Institutional inaccessibility on campuses and lobbying their Institutions towards greater support of students with disabilities.
Congress Mandates
The Vice President for Equality & Citizenship to work with MO’s to highlight the need for, and resources required to greater enhance the numbers of students with disabilities accessing third level education in Ireland.
Congress Further Mandates
The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship and the Vice President for Postgraduate Affairs to lobby the government for greater investment in disability services across existing Higher Education Institutions on behalf of students with disabilities at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
2021 EQ 1: Equality Proofing of USI Campaigns and Events
2021 EQ 1: Equality Proofing of USI Campaigns and Events
Proposed by Maynooth Students’ Union
Congress Notes
That the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) is the national representative body for circa 374,000 students in Ireland to date. Amongst those students is a varied diversity of different minority & under-represented groups included but not limited to:
- Members of the LGBTQ+ community
- Mature Students
- Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students
- Migrants, Asylum Seekers & Undocumented Persons
- Traveller & Roma Community
- Transgender & Non-binary students
- Students of faith
- Students with disabilities
- Students with caring responsibilities
Congress further notes
That USI hosts a number of campaigns and events throughout the year in areas including but not limited to welfare, academic affairs, Gaeilge, postgraduate affairs, equality & citizenship. These campaigns and events reach various cohorts of students from different groups and backgrounds and highlight important issues and themes throughout the year.
Congress Believes
That USI should strive to have diversity at the forefront of its campaigns and events. Concerning the standards of equality, diversity, inclusion and interculturalism (EDI), the elevation of liberation voices and groups should be a priority; this requires a spotlight. There also is a necessity for USI campaigns and events to be equality-proofed, which is to say that campaigns and events within USI should strive to highlight and include the following:
- Gaeilge (the Irish Language)
- Representation of minorities
- Relevance to postgraduate students
- Accessibility
Congress therefore Mandates:
The VP for Equality & Citizenship and VP for Campaigns to work on an Equality-Proofing strategy that will ensure USI Campaigns and events are as inclusive and diverse as possible in highlighting:
- Gaeilge (the Irish Language)
- Representation of minorities
- Relevance to postgraduate students
- Accessibility
2021 EQ 2: Understanding Privilege and Inclusion
2021 EQ 2: Understanding Privilege and Inclusion
Proposed by Maynooth Students’ Union
Congress Notes
Recent events within the island of Ireland have highlighted many incidents in relation to discrimination towards students with disabilities, the LGBTQ+ community, Traveller and Roma community. There is also increasing amounts of racism, as highlighted during the peak of the Black Lives Matter Movement in 2020, towards BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic).
Congress Further Notes
That of the aforementioned, there are a number of different groups who are under-represented, mis-represented, and discriminated against. An active stance must be taken against this within and by USI.
Congress Believes
That ‘PRIVILEGE’ has been a theme that is misconceived within communities wide and far on the island of Ireland. Up until now, there has been a priority for narratives of teaching and learning within the student movement. Now, we must continue to uproot negative and false mindsets surrounding minority groups. We must continue the narrative of learning while also beginning the one of unlearning about PRIVILEGE & INCLUSION.
Congress therefore Mandates
The VP Campaigns and the VP Equality & Citizenship to work on an action plan that will focus on the unlearning of negative biases, decolonising minds to start afresh and liberate minorities across the island. The campaign should focus on not only helping SU officers and people to learn about differences in minority groups but equipping people with the tools to DO better.
Congress further Mandates
The USI Executive to ensure the action plan strives to educate, by providing educational tools that highlight privilege in ourselves and our communities. The plan should also recognise privilege and how it affects minorities. To train, by developing training on how to support marginalised groups in the social and learning environment. And, to support minorities, by working towards breaking down barriers to participation within minority groups and actively supporting the minorities to excel in positions of leadership. This should be done through developing campaigns and networks, but not limited to these. The plan should also highlight and celebrate the cultures and achievements of various liberation groups to celebrate and empower.
2021 EQ 3: Insurance for International Students
2021 EQ 3: Insurance for International Students
Proposed by the USI Vice-President for Postgraduate Affairs
Congress Notes
Current law dictates that those considered “ordinarily resident” in Ireland must pay additional health insurance costs. The Irish immigration service requires that all non-EEA students have at least a basic policy covering emergency medical expenses. Proof of insurance is required at the time of registration with immigration authorities. For students on short-term courses and newly arrived first year students, travel insurance may suffice in some circumstances. Medical insurance policies that meet the minimum immigration service requirements have increased in cost for international students as a result of a ruling from the Court of Appeal determined that because students studying in Ireland for more than one year are ‘ordinarily resident’ in the state and they are required to purchase more expensive ‘community-rated’ policies. This means that insurance policies sold to non-EEA students must comply with the rules and obligations set down in the Health Insurance Act 1994.
Congress Further Notes
The majority of education programs in Ireland are longer than one year in duration.
Congress Recognizes
The recent high court ruling around “ordinarily resident” status within the Health Insurance Act saw an average insurance cost increase of roughly 300% for international students from roughly €100 to a community-rated health insurance premiums will cost in excess of €700 for the year.
Congress Further Commends
The work conducted by the Alliance for Affordable Insurance for International Students (AAIIS) which USI are members of, for the work in highlighting this issue and lobbying the Department for Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, the Department for Justice, and the Department for Health on this matter.
Congress is Deeply Concerned
With international students being classed as “ordinarily resident” for the purpose of insurance while not be classes as “ordinarily resident” for the purpose of fees, where international students are being disproportionately burdened with higher fees and costs to study in Ireland.
Congress Mandates
The USI executive to continue working with AAIIS in lobbying the Department for Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, the Department for Justice, and the Department for Health for a solution to this issue, including but not limited to the reversal of the high court decision on “ordinarily resident” status for international students.
20 EQ (NC) 1: Migrant Education Access
20 EQ (NC) 1: Migrant Education Access
Property of the USI Executive Team
Congress notes with concern
That in the absence of a standardised residency test Irish third-level institutions apply an ‘EU’ fees’ category which often means migrant students pay two or three times more than the typical fees charged. Young people who have grown up in Ireland (gone to secondary school here) are denied access to financial assistance and the free fee scheme upon entry to third level.
Congress also notes
That young people who have secured citizenship during their time in third level are often unable to ‘reverse’ their fee status and have no choice but to continue to pay these high tuition fees for the remainder of their third level education. These young people are also often unable to secure higher education grants.
Congress believes
That the Union of Students in Ireland needs to advocate for accessible education for all students and should lend support to the Migrant Rights Centre Ireland’s Migrant Education Access Campaign, including that children of non EU migrants who have come to Ireland to join their families and should enjoy equality of access to third level Education.
Congress notes with concern
The Vice-President for Equality and Citizenship to work with the Migrant Rights Centre Ireland on their Migrant Education Access (MEA) campaign.
Congress also mandates
The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship to lobby the Department of Education and Skills to take effective action to address the situation of young people who have secured Irish citizenship but are currently unable to reverse their fee status. This may require a re- examination of the criteria of access to the Free Tuition Fee Scheme currently administered by the Higher Education Authority and should result in code of practice or a revised set of criteria being outlined to all third level institutes in Ireland to ensure a coordinated, equitable and consistent response.
20 EQ (NC) 3: Period Products
20 EQ (NC) 3: Period Products
Property of the USI Executive Team
Congress notes with concern
A person who has a period will on average have 507 periods throughout their lifetime, and will spend an average of €8100 in a lifetime on sanitary products. According to a survey of more than 1,100 young girls and women aged between 12 and 19 years by Plan International Ireland, nearly 50% of Irish teenage girls find it difficult to afford sanitary products; some 109 of the young women who participated in the survey said they were forced to use a ‘less suitable sanitary product’ because of the high monthly cost involved.
Congress notes with concern
Students’ Unions have quite often borne the financial burden of buying Sanitary products for students and distributing these. New period products such as menstrual cups and period underwear are still taxed at a higher rate of 23%, making them less affordable. Period poverty disproportionately affects student groups. The National Strategy for Women and Girls has identified students as an at risk group of period poverty.
Congress believes
That these products should be provided free of charge as a necessary provision of healthcare for anyone who needs them.
Congress mandates
The Vice President for Welfare and Vice President for Equality and Citizenship to campaign for free sanitary products to be provided nationally. The provision of these products should encompass a wide variety of choice.
20 EQ 1: Supporting the Traveller Community
20 EQ 1: Supporting the Traveller Community
Proposed by the Equality and Citizenship Working Group
Congress notes
The Traveller community is one of the most marginalised in Irish society, and often face systemic barriers to accessing third level education, as well as healthcare and housing amongst other things. The latest data shows there are only 61 travellers in higher education.
Congress welcomes
The National Access Plan for inclusion of travellers in third level education which aims to increase the number of travellers in third level education through targeted initiatives. Also, the Yellow Flag programme which does great work in terms of breaking down social barriers in educational institutions.
Congress affirms
It’s support for the Traveller community as an ethnic minority group.
Congress mandates
The USI Executive team to mark Traveller Ethnicity day on the 1st of March every year, and to support events that recognise intersections within communities, such as Traveller Pride.
Congress also mandates
The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship to support the expansion of the yellow flag initiative into third level.
Congress also mandates
The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship to provide resources to MOs on specific issues students in the travelling community may face, working with organisations that provide education and awareness of traveller culture and identity training, such as the STATUS toolkit.
20 EQ 2: 20 x 20 Campaign Support
20 EQ 2: 20 x 20 campaign support
Proposed by the USI Vice President for Welfare
Congress notes
The 20 x 20 Campaign is a national, all-inclusive movement to shift Ireland’s cultural perceptions of women’s sport by 2020. The campaign aims are: – 20% increase in media coverage of women in sport – 20% increase in female participation at all levels of sports – 20% increased in attendance at women’s games and events.
Congress further notes
USI supports women in sport and the well-being of students in third level college.
Congress mandates
The Vice President for Welfare to engage with the 20 x 20 campaign.
20 EQ 3: Reporting Racism
20 EQ 3: Reporting Racism
Proposed by the Equality and Citizenship Working Group
Congress notes
The recent development of reporting tools across HEIs, for example, sexual assault reporting tools, and role these tools play in supporting students.
Congress notes
The same structures are not in place in our campuses to tackle racism, despite anecdotal reports that racism does happen in third level institutions. Furthermore, until we have hate crime legislation at a national level, it is very difficult to report racist incidents in a formalised manner.
Congress acknowledges
The success of the iReport tool launched by INAR which allows people to identify and report incidents of racism. As well as this, race neutral language is not effective and to truly have a conversation about racism in this country we must have conversations about race and our attitude to it.
Congress mandates
USI to promote the iReport tool and to lobby for its use across society.
Congress mandates
The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship to support MOs in their lobbying of their institutions to develop stronger protocol against racism.
Congress further mandates
USI Executive team to provide anti-racism training for officers.
20 EQ 4: Supporting LGBTQ+ Students
20 EQ 4: Supporting LGBTQ+ Students
Proposed by the USI Vice President for Equality & Citizenship
Congress reaffirms
It’s support for the LGBTQ+ Community.
Congress notes
There are particular challenges still facing the community and we cannot become complacent in tackling these.
Congress therefore mandates
All information sent out in USI materials must be inclusive of the LGBTQ+ Community. The Vice President for Equality & Citizenship to send out information after Pink Training to LGBT+ Societies and Students’ Unions that will assist them in the events and campaigns they may wish to run throughout the year. The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship, Vice President for Campaigns and Regional Vice Presidents to work with LGBTQ+ organisations in developing a framework that could be applied to colleges in order to give them a LGBTQ Friendly Campus status.
Congress therefore repeals
14 EQ 4, 14 EQ 5, 12 EQ 7, 11 EQ 1, 11 EQ 2, 11 EQ 3, 11 EQ 4
20 EQ 5: International Decade for people of African descent
20 EQ 5: International Decade for people of African descent
Proposed by the USI Vice President for the Border, Midlands and Western Region
Congress notes
The Decade for people of African Descent (lasting from 2015-2024) sets out programmes of actions and stems from the Durban Declaration, the first international document from the first ever international conference to address racism experienced by people of African descent around the globe. It seeks to protect and promote the human rights of people of African descent, raise awareness of the issues faced by the group and to adopt national, regional and international frameworks for its implementation. It was acknowledged (in the document or the resolution) that due to the historical perception of people of African descent as slaves, prejudice exists to this day that manifests itself in day to day racism, institutional racism and discrimination in accessing services and employment which results in the group’s development disproportionately lagging behind compared to other groups.
Congress notes with concern
The Irish Government has yet to launch the decade. The decade is opt in and is not enforced but provides real opportunities to tackle racism in Irish society and have conversations about what can be done to overcome prejudice.
Congress mandates
The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship to lobby the Department of Equality and Justice to formally launch the decade, and to put pressure on them to put in place a programme that celebrates the decade.
Congress also mandates
The USI executive team to organise an action to celebrate the decade.
EM 19 (EQ) – 1: Decolonising Education
EM 19 (EQ) – 1: Decolonising Education
Proposed by QUB Students’ Union
Congress notes:
That a student-led occupation started on 12 March 2019 surrounding anti-racism & decolonization in Goldsmiths University. This ongoing occupation’s demands from the university is grounded in the ethos of decolonizing education as the core of anti-racist work in tertiary/third-level institutions. The #GoldOccupy movement has encouraged actions of solidarity from across the UK & Northern Ireland.
That USI and NUS UK work in partnership through the Trilateral Agreement and that the student movement across the world has a proud history of coming together in solidarity actions. Student-led ‘Decolonise education’ campaigns have emerged across the UK since 2015’s ‘Why is My Curriculum White?’ And ‘Rhodes Must Fall’ campaigns, and connect to a rich history of student radicalism. Deep inequalities persist in education for students of colour, including-but-not-limited-to the attainment gap – these are exacerbated by the scrapping of the Education Maintenance Allowance and Maintenance Grants. The BAME Attainment Gap is a national crisis, with BAME students 20% less likely to achieve a first or upper second-class degree compared to their white counterparts, despite having been admitted into university with the same A-level grades. According to NUS liberate the curriculum research 34% of BAME students feel unable to bring their perspectives as students of colour, to their lectures/seminars.
There is a lack of sufficient research, across the island of Ireland, into the issues resulting in the BAME Attainment Gap and how it affects BAME students of intersectional identities and liberation groups (i.e. Women, LGBTQ, Disabled). University staff employed are not representative of the students that they teach or the national population regarding race and this is also a prevalent issue amongst university senior management. BAME students are being severely disadvantaged because they are more likely to leave university unable to secure jobs and twice as unlikely to make use of their degree. A truly liberated and antiracist education system must include racial justice for students, staff and workers within an institution. University administration are vested in the racist and xenophobic climate of wider society, and embrace the marketisation of higher education to reduce their responsibilities towards workers. Decolonising education means democratised – transformative change will not happen through seat-at-the-table politics, but by leveraging student-worker-community power against institutions, to wrest control over them from the hands of overpaid management and corporate interests.
A ‘movement-based’ approach, organising both in and outside the confines of SUs, and rooted in local communities, should be taken to build a democratic, dynamic movement of truly decolonising our curriculum and institution.
Congress Further Believes
Decolonise campaigns must, at core, confront the processes of marketisation, corporatisation and securitisation of education that have shut down universities as spaces to organise for radical change – not narrowly consider matters of curriculum and/or faculty diversity.
‘Decolonising education’ must necessarily be connected to-
- The demand for free education;
- The imposition of visa monitoring on institutions;
- The exclusion and gentrification of working class communities adjacent to many universities;
- The managerialism in the university, and shutting down of internal democracy
- Links between institutions and the arms trade/militarisation abroad;
- Ending Direct Provision.
We should seek where possible to connect with education movements for radical change in the global south. Many local campaigns across the UK, led primarily by sabbatical officers and guided by NUS UK, have been co-opted by universities and re-routed into diversity initiatives, or incrementalistic reformism. The aim of these campaigns should be transformative, not merely replacing one set of bourgeois intellectuals with another of a different hue. Issues of ‘race’ inequality cannot be divorced from the other pressures affecting institutions and education on a national scale. Addressing ‘race’ inequality goes hand-in-hand with campaigns for free education and democratising our education – not band-wagoning on regressive government reforms because we’re promised crumbs.
Congress mandates
The President, Vice-President Equality & Citizenship, Vice-President Academic Affairs to work on investigating issues surrounding the attainment gap in Ireland.
Congress also mandates
USI Officer Board to work on the ethos of this policy.
Congress reaffirms
USI’s stance on calling for free education, and that the democratising education is central to ensuring education is accessible for all.
EQ 19 – 2: Students in Direct Provision
EQ 19 – 2: Students in Direct Provision
Proposed by Equality and Citizenship Working Group
Congress commends
The work done to date by the Union of Students in Ireland and students’ unions across the country towards ending the inhumane system of Direct Provision and working to protect and support students living in Direct Provision in their institutions.
Congress notes
More and more asylum seekers are entering third level education, whether through access routes or Institution of Sanctuary scholarships. It is of great concern that College of Sanctuary scholarship students can be faced with deportation orders when they are in the middle of their studies.
Congress applauds
The work done by DCUSU in particular around the Save our Shepherd campaign, and the incredible success of that campaign.
Congress mandates
The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship to lobby the Department of Justice to take a person’s student status into special consideration when in the asylum process.
Congress also mandates
The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship to devise a national strategy on what to do in the case of a student being faced with a deportation order, and to develop materials and resources around this for Students’ Union officers.
Congress further mandates
The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship to lobby the Minister for Education to extend domestic fee status to students who are asylum seekers across all third level institutions.
EQ 19 – 7: Gender Equality
EQ 19 – 7: Gender Equality
Proposed By IT Carlow Students’ Union
Congress Notes
The lack of policy in relation to transgender, non-binary and intersex students, and gender identity/expression inclusivity within higher education. Research from LGBTI Ireland Report (2016) found that transgender, non-binary and intersex people face additional challenges in their day-to-day lives such as being referred to/as by the wrong pronoun or gender and this can have an immensely negative impact on a person’s mental health.
Congress Believes
We need to lead the way in supporting transgender, non-binary and intersex students within higher and further education.
Congress Mandates
VP Equality and Citizenship to develop a campaign in conjunction with relevant organisations such as ShoutOut, BeLonG To and TENI to support Students’ Union Officers in running a transgender, non-binary and intersex inclusivity campaign on campus for both staff and students which should include information packs, posters, workshop materials and leads to further resources.
Congress Further Mandates
USI VP for Equality & Citizenship to gather and circulate all relevant HEI and SU policy relating to transgender, non-binary and intersex gender identity and expression policies.
EQ 19 – 9: Disability Awareness and Annual Conference
EQ 19 – 9: Disability Awareness and Annual Conference
Proposed by the USI Vice President for Equality and Citizenship
Congress notes
Reports released by the Association for Higher Education Access & Disability (AHEAD), of which USI is a board member, finds that while numbers of students with disabilities participating in higher education continues to rise, significant barriers remain.
Congress notes
The Union of Students in Ireland is committed to removing the stigma from all disabilities, challenging perceptions and encouraging all members of our society to take a positive attitude towards understanding the nature of disability and overcoming prejudices.A key part of this ongoing work can be done through student engagement and campaigns throughout the year, including a national-level event, to create a space for networking, dialogue, and empowerment to leadership roles.
Congress mandates
The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship to roll out a campaign informing students of many different disabilities and creating awareness of supports for students with disabilities.
Congress further mandates
The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship to organise a conference and networking event for students with disabilities before the end of April in each academic year
2018 EQ 1: Gender Recognition of Students
2018 EQ 1: Gender Recognition of Students
Proposed by Institute of Art, Design and Technology Students’ Union
Congress notes
Trans and non-binary students have difficulty changing their name and gender on college records such as exam results, roll, student cards etc.
Congress recognises
The considerable distress that not being able to be recognised as who they are can have on trans and non binary students.
Congress Notes
The work ongoing of the Gender Recognition Act Review Committee examining the Gender Recognition Act 2015 due to be complete by Summer 2018.
Congress applauds
The Vice President for Equality & Citizenship recent submission to the Gender Recognition Act Review and the current work being done in MOs on Gender Identity and Expression Policies.
Congress therefore mandates
The Vice President for Equality & Citizenship to campaign for a system-wide agreement from CAO level upwards, regarding the facilitation of name-changes as well as the inclusion of non-binary identities.
Congress further mandates
The Vice President for Equality & Citizenship to lobby the HEA (Higher Education Authority) to set up a working group with the USI, THEA (Technological Higher Education Association), the IUA (Irish Universities Association) and the Department of Education to identify a robust and agreed system-level framework, so that applications for name- changes while the student is attending their third level institution is met with a consistent response regardless of institution, rather than a case-by-case, ad-hoc, and discretionary reaction that often depends on the staff member the student speaks to.
2018 EQ 2: Mature Student Campaign
2018 EQ 2: Mature Student Campaign
Proposed by the USI Vice President for the Southern Region
Congress notes
The large numbers of mature students attending third level education and the difficulties they face.
Congress applauds
The success of events such as Mature Student Conventions/Seminars provided by USI in the past.
Congress mandates
The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship to run a Mature Student Seminar annually in the first semester of each academic year.
Congress Notes
That events for mature students may be inaccessible due to other commitments of potential attendees.
Congress further mandates
The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship to create an online forum for mature students in order for them to still obtain the benefits of networking at a regional and national level.
Congress also mandates
The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship to continue their work in supporting the development of mature student officers and societies in MOs.
Congress further mandates
The Vice President for Equality and Citizenship and the Vice President for Campaigns to create a support document for local MOs which should include, but is not limited to, information on running their own mature student events, information to help development mature student supports on campuses and other links to mature student organisations.
Congress repeals
14 EQ 1, 12 UO 12, 15 UO 13, 12 UO 12
2018 EQ 4: Gender Equality Audit
2018 EQ 4: Gender Equality Audit
Proposed by the Vice President for the Dublin Region
Congress notes
That self-defining women are still significantly under-represented in Students’ Union politics, as well as politics nationally. For the year 2017/2018, less than 20% of Presidents in USI affiliated Students’ Unions were women.
Congress recognises
The ongoing work being done within Students’ Unions to encourage more self-defining women to run for elected positions within their Students’ Unions.
Congress applauds
The Women Lead Projects rolled out this year and in previous years by USI and the continued growth in participation of these projects.
Congress further notes
The importance of data collection to further develop the Women Lead Project.
Congress therefore mandates
The Vice President for Equality & Citizenship to conduct a gender equality audit of Students’ Unions and their structures to support and inform the ongoing work of USI in this area.
2018 EQ 5: Universal Design for Learning
2018 EQ 5: Universal Design for Learning
Proposed by National University of Ireland, Galway Students’ Union
Congress notes
Learning materials used in lectures, tutorials, and for study are frequently inaccessible to students with different requirements
Congress recognises
The universal design for learning approach campaigns for more user friendly, varied and accessible materials for students who have a physical/ hidden disability, mental health condition, student parents, and students whose first language is not English.
Congress mandates
The VP for Equality and Citizenship and the VP for Academic Affairs to work with relevant organisations to support the implementation of Universal Design for Learning wherever possible.
17 EQ 3: Integration of displaced persons into education
17 EQ 3: Integration of displaced persons into education
Congress recognises
The ongoing refugee crisis, in which over 20 million people have been displaced due to war, terrorism, and other conflicts.
Congress asserts
That education is an emancipator and affords people the tools with which to become independent and self-determinant.
Congress calls on
The Irish government to partake in the resettlement and relocation of displaced persons (such as refugees and asylum seekers) in numbers appropriate to the scale of the crisis.
Congress calls on
The education sector in Ireland to proactively support the integration of such displaced persons.
Congress calls on
The Minister for Education to extend “domestic” fee status to such displaced persons resettled in Ireland who wish to pursue their studies. This status should also extend to eligibility for the student maintenance grant and other student supports.
Congress calls on
Institutions of third-level education to follow the lead of Dublin City University and pursue “University of Sanctuary” designation.
Congress therefore mandates
The officer board to campaign for the integration of such displaced persons into education in Ireland with particular focus on access, student supports, retention, recognition of prior learning and cultural integration, the latter including the provision of English language lessons.
Congress also mandates
The Vice President for Equality & Citizenship to provide for student leaders, particularly elected officers, to become “No Hate Speech” ambassadors.
15 EQ 1: Women in Leadership
15 EQ 1: Women in Leadership
Congress notes
That motion 14/EQ9 stated: “That women are still significantly under-represented in Student Union politics, as well as politics nationally. Only 20% of Presidents are women in USI member colleges are women. Only 33% of UK Students Union Presidents are women. In the Dáil Éireann the representation of women in even worse. Only 15% of TDs are women. In local councils across Ireland the representation of women is below 20%. In Northern Ireland, only 19% of MLAs in Stormont are women Ireland ranks 23rd out of 27 EU countries for their percentage of women in parliament.
Congress acknowledges
That significant work has been undertaken by MOs in empowering women to run for leadership positions in the past year.
Congress applauds
The fantastic job USI Pink Training does in empowering members of the student LGBT community to run for SU leadership and also the grassroots engagement that exposes USI to a new generation of Student Leaders.
Congress calls for
The USI to expand the Women In Leadership campaign.
Congress mandates
The USI Vice President for Equality and Citizenship to take the template provided by USI Pink Training and adapt it to create a weekend training event with the aim of empowering Women not only in their SU’s but in their college, community and careers.
11 EQ 5: Direct Student Engagement
11 EQ 5: Direct Student Engagement
Congress notes
The effectiveness of the USI LGBT campaign in directly interacting with the USI membership through its links with student societies and USI Pink Training.
Congress believes
The USI Equality campaign should follow a similar structure.
Congress mandates
The Equality Officer to organise an annual intervarsity event for each of the equality sub sections.
Congress further mandates
The Equality Officer to enhance links with existing equality based student societies and to foster the development of further equality related societies in each CO.
09 EQ 2: AHEAD
09 EQ 2: AHEAD
Congress notes
Previous policy (08/EQ6) which mandates the President and Welfare Officer to open discussions with AHEAD with a view to working together on common areas of interests.
Congress further notes
That the Equality Officer, who has the responsibility to support the autonomous disability campaign, and the Disability Rights Officer are best placed to build links with AHEAD.
Congress acknowledges
The work of the Equality Officer and Disability Rights Officer this year in achieving the above aim.
Congress further acknowledges
The current work being done by USI and AHEAD in relation to compiling a guide for student union officers on how best to develop policy and services for students with disabilities.
Congress recognises
That in the past number of months, support services for students with disabilities as well as the ‘Fund for Students with Disabilities’ have experienced cuts due to the current economic climate.
Congress mandates
The Equality and Disability Rights Officers to:
- Continue to build links with AHEAD;
- Work with AHEAD to develop initiatives which can counteract the current cuts to support funds for students with disabilities;
- Oppose any further cuts to support services for students with disabilities;
- Promote and assist the development of student societies for students with disabilities
- Work with AHEAD to organise an annual one day event for students with disabilities
09 EQ 4: USI Rainbow Week
09 EQ 4: USI Rainbow Week
Conference notes
That “Rainbow Week” is not thoroughly recognised within all affiliated colleges.
Conference also mandates
The LGBT RO to communicate with the Students Unions and the LGBT societies and assist in the organisation of the Rainbow Weeks to those colleges that need assistance.
Have you got a question about our Equality policies?
Get in contact with our Vice President for Equality and Citizenship if you have any questions about USI’s policies in the area of equality!