kevin   USI President, Kevin Donoghue

The Union of Students is advising students filling out their CAO forms on how to make the right course and college choice. For many students, filling out their CAO form can be quite daunting as it carries the risk of making the wrong choice, and it having a negative effect on their future.

The change of mind deadline is the 1st July for the CAO choices and USI is encouraging second level students and mature students to think carefully about their options before committing to a course. The SUSI online student grant application system for 2016/2017 is open on

“Some students choose courses for the wrong reasons, like if their friends are doing that course, or if it’s closest to home.” Kevin Donoghue, USI President, said. “While these things will influence someone’s decision, they should not be the basis or a swaying factor for such an important decision which will have such a huge impact on their future. We would encourage students to follow their interests, strengths and passions, and study something in a field that interests or inspires them.

“We are encouraging students to pursue what they love and are good at. Education is more than just the job at the end of the degree. It’s about broadening horizons, improving critical thinking, bettering the mind and self-development.”

USI is encouraging students to do their research on courses they’re interested in by contacting past students, looking up the college prospectuses, emailing course co-ordinators and going to college open days. USI is also advising students to ask their careers advisor about the courses they are thinking about doing, or asking for advice if they don’t know what course to pick.