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Date(s) - 26/01/2018 - 27/01/2018
6:00 pm - 5:00 pm



The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) is hosting a Women in Leadership seminar on 26-27th of January 2018 aimed at students who are aspiring to run for student leadership positions in their Students’ Unions as well as to become the heads of their college clubs or societies. This is being run as part of the USI ‘Women Lead Project’.

Please note: The event is open to student members and current SU officers of the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), and is intended for potential and interested candidates in upcoming student movement elections, including elections to leadership positions (particularly Chairperson/Auditor) in college societies. It is also recommended for those who are considering the role of ‘campaign manager.


There are limited places pre-booked in the Generator Hostel in Dublin. If you live outside of Dublin and need accommodation, please indicate on the below form. This will be allocated on a first come, first served.

Once you have registered here, we will send a follow up email linking you in with your Students’ Union.
The event will begin with a 6pm registration on Friday 26th, and will finish by 5.30pm on Saturday 27th.

USI are covering venue hire, speaker costs, and food for Saturday, and entertainment for Friday. The participant costs for this event include travel, and Friday overnight accommodation (if required). Once you have registered, we will link you with your SU to discuss further.

Friday evening will feature a film screening and discussion afterwards, which will finish in plenty of time for those based in and near Dublin to return to their accommodation on public transport. Saturday’s modules will kick off at 10am, and will cover sessions like Campaigns 101, public speaking, managing a campaign, leadership and some practical break-out spaces with guest speakers too.

This is a really important event in the USI Calendar, as it is one of our priorities to support self-defining women in the Student Movement to progress and succeed to leadership positions. However, at no point during the event will you be asked to disclose your gender identity other than your pronouns, if you wish. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please just ask.

All questions relating to the event are welcome to equality@usi.ie with #WomenLead18 in the subject line!

Sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0wHsVPQtfyAaePOp_VZYdbwMbffUOGlJtyhEQFNz9HNiqUA/viewform