- USI won Zero Budget Social Media Campaign at the Social Media Awards Ireland. USI were finalists in the Best Twitter Business Campaign and Best Twitter Account for Non-Profit too. See the full list of finalists here.
- Waterford IT Students’ Union hosted the USI National Council where officers from around Ireland discussed issues related to welfare, academic affairs and equality and citizenship.

USI Picture Conor McCabe Photography: USI President Annie Hoey launching SAVES2
Policy and Campaigns:
- The USI Vice President for Equality & Citizenship along with NUS-USI President and NUS UK VP for Society & Citizenship attended and spoke at NUS-USI’s ‘Big Gay Wedding’ outside Stormont in Belfast on Monday 22nd of May, on the 2nd Anniversary of the passing of the Marriage Equality Referendum in the Republic of Ireland.
- USI has issued guidance for students anxious to have a trouble-free departure from their current accommodation – and joined forces with Property Button to help prepare students make their next move hassle free. Read more here.
- USI announced the launch of a of a major European energy efficiency and energy saving programme for students in Ireland, supported by the European Union. The “Students Achieving Valuable Energy Savings 2” (SAVES2) programme is funded under the SU’s Horizon2020 programme, and unites students across the EU in energy saving initiatives in their accommodation. The programme has been successful in attracting up to €1.5m of EU funding for activities across Europe. You can read the full statement here.
- USI President and USI Deputy President met Lord Mayor of Dublin, Cllr Dermot Lacey and Cllr Paul McAulliff on the future funding of higher education.
- The president of the USI spoke outside Leinster House on Wednesday 24th at a rally organised with IMPACT trade union and the Labour Party as Senator Ivana Bacik’s bill progresses through the Oireachtas (passing that evening in the Seanad, with all cross-party speakers on the bill bar one in favour of its progression).
- The USI have circulated to members a save the date notice ahead of the Annual Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) march for choice, which will take place on Saturday September 30th 2017. USI #StudentsForChoice aim to be one of the largest delegations in attendance this year to highlight the need for a referendum to repeal entirely the 8th amendment of the Irish Constitution.