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USI Writes To 8th Committee

[…]Abortion Right’s Campaign (ARC), the Coalition to Repeal the 8th Amendment, and Amnesty International Ireland, who are​ advocating for the repeal of the Eighth Amendment and the introduction of legislation mandating women’s and girls’ access to safe abortion in Ireland, in line with global and European good practice. USI is clearly asking representatives to consider the ​recommendations as Oireachtas members submit their amendments this week.​   […]

Union of Students in Ireland to Campaign in Marriage Equality Referendum

[…]1993. USI has been a vocal supporter of marriage equality for many years, re-affirmed by a unanimous mandate from USI Congress 2012. USI launched its Student Elector Registration Database (SERD) earlier this year. This will be used to mobilise students to vote in upcoming elections and referenda, including the referendum on marriage equality. Joe O’Connor, President of the Union of Students in Ireland said: “USI will accept nothing short of full marriage equality for LGBT citizens, and following the recent announcements regarding a referendum in 2015, we will be campaigning heavily over the coming year for this to be held […]
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USI and PleaseTalk launch Student Support card ahead of Suicide Awareness Day

[…]House, Walk in my Shoes, the Samaritans and TeenLine. There were 487 confirmed suicides in Ireland in 2013 and a provisional figure of 451 suicides in 2015 according to the CSO. “USI is delighted to launch the student support cards with PleaseTalk.” Annie Hoey, USI President, said, “A Vision for Change research from 2006 show a huge proportion of students experience some form of mental health fragilities such as anxiety, depression and suicidal behaviour. Almost 75% of all mental illnesses first occur between the ages of 15 and 25 so the gravity and absolute necessity of promoting positive mental health […]
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The Week in USI – 15th to 20th January

[…]health campaigns.   Campaigns Management of research into student housing through the “National Student Housing Survey”, with over 1500 responses received to date; Preparation of USI’s submission to the Low Pay Commission on the National Minimum Wage calling for the gradual introduction of a living wage and outlining how this will positively impact students and graduates at work; Finalised designs and strategy for the next few months on the fight for publicly funded higher education.   Equality & Citizenship Launched registration for #WomenLead17, taking place next weekend in Dublin. registration is at; Consent training: 8 SU Welfare Vice Presidents […]

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