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National Council Minutes Live

Minutes from the National Councils in August and September are now available on the USI Website. In future, all National Council documents will  be available here in advance, along with information on accommodation and the itinerary for the event. The home for the National Council documents is in the ‘About USI’ section of the main menu Find the NC documents below For August For […]

Statement on Berkeley Incident

The Union of Students in Ireland is shocked and devastated at news of a serious incident in Berkeley, California, resulting the apparent deaths of Irish students. Initial reports say that a balcony collapse has killed six people and injured seven – and that at least some of the deceased are Irish students. Laura Harmon, USI President, said: “The thoughts of the whole student movement are today with the families and friends of those students caught up in this terrible event. Like the classmates and loved ones of those involved, we await further information from the authorities. Every year thousands of students […]

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