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58% of Students Miss Meals to Stay in College!

[…]Union, Saint Vincent de Paul or a food bank for food.   The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) has criticised recent suggestions to increase the registration fee by more than €1,000 and said the implications of this proposed increase include plunging students further into poverty, disabling social mobility, and increasing the gap between the rich and the poor. A paper prepared by officials at the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform for recently-appointed Minister Pascal Donohue said the increase of €1,000 in registration fees would be insufficient to solve the funding gap in third level education, and an even […]
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Protest at Leinster House in support of Social Democrats motion calling on Ireland to join ICJ case against Gaza genocide

[…]obligation under Article 1, filing an intervention in support of a case taken by Ukraine against Russia in 2022, under the Genocide Convention. Speaking ahead of the protest, USI Vice President for Campaigns, Zaid Al-Barghouthi said: “We call on our members to mobilise and turn out to show our support for this motion. We have a moral duty to do everything we can to reach a ceasefire in Gaza, and in this context, we view an intervention by Ireland in South Africa’s ICJ case as a step that would bring us closer to that objective. Students have been active voices […]
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‘No announcement of funding for reduction in Student Contribution Charge is not acceptable’

[…]that Government has ruled out student loans as an approach to funding higher education, it is frustrating that student contributions will continue to be a key part of the funding stream. USI President, Clare Austick said: “We welcome that this conversation is happening and that we finally have some detail on how government plans to fund higher education in the future. The Cassells Report was published in 2016 and was sent to the European Commission in 2019 for further analysis, so this announcement was a long time coming. USI welcomes the increase in core funding for colleges and universities, which […]
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The Union of Students in Ireland will Consider Running Someone Against Senator Ronan Mullen if he “Continues to Represent Hateful Views”

[…]inhumane, crass and cruel. The Union of Students in Ireland represents 354,000 students across Ireland and because the National University of Ireland and Trinity vote for 6 of the Seanad seats, we do not want to be affiliated with hateful views that are contradictory to what we support and believe in. Because of this, we will consider running someone against Senator Mullen if he continues to represent hateful and outdated […]
Read more » The Union of Students in Ireland will Consider Running Someone Against Senator Ronan Mullen if he “Continues to Represent Hateful Views”

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