Search results for "192"

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USI gears up to recognise student achievement

The Union of Students in Ireland is gearing up today for the annual Student Achievement Awards Ireland, which aims to recognise the contribution students and their representatives have made inside and beyond the student community. The glittering awards ceremony, taking place in Dublin Castle this evening (20/04/2017) will honour students and invited guests from North and South of the island for their hard work and determination. The awards will be hosted by journalist and online personality Clare Cullen, with the keynote address by Senator Lynn Ruane.  The evening will conclude with the presentation of the President’s Award. SAAI nominations are […]
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USI Calls for a Living Wage: Submission to the Low Pay Commission 2017

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI), which represents 354,000 students across Ireland, today have made a submission to the Low Pay Commission on the National Minimum Wage calling for a living wage of  €11.50 per hour and recognising the issues of zero-hour contracts and ‘If and When’ contracts. You can read the submisison here. In the period from 2007 to 2014 the student contribution fee increased by 363% from €825 to €3000, rents have increased across the country, and on top of this it is costing students over €11,160 a year to get their degrees. Students typically work in […]
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The Week in USI Feb 4th – 10th, 2017

General: Nominations for the USI officer board elections are open. For information as to how to participate, click here. Nominations for the Student Achievement Awards Ireland 2017 are now open. Click here for more information and to enter. USI attended WIT Students’ Union class representative council and a Repeal the 8th debate hosted by WIT FLAC society. USI hosted a meeting in IT Blanchardstown for Students’Union Officers to discuss policies and motions for USI Congress 2017. USI held a National Council meeting in IT Blanchardstown where Students’Union Officers discussed campaigns, academic affairs, welfare, equality and national issues. Policy and Campaigns: The Vice President […]

Union of Students in Ireland is urging Students to Remain Vigilant against unknown substances at Electric Picnic

The Union of Students in Ireland has released a statement today, ahead of tomorrow’s Electric Picnic Festival, urging students to remain vigilant against drugs and to never take any unknown substances, or from anyone they don’t know. A 2015 UN report revealed that Ireland has the fifth highest rate of drug-related deaths among under 25-year-olds in the European Union. “We are urging students not to take unknown substances, or any substances from people they don’t know,” Annie Hoey, USI President, said. “Festivals are a great chance to enjoy music, art and culture with friends and while many young people drink […]
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USI Submission to the Committee on Housing and Homelessness

[…]that there will be an increase from 167,991 students in Full Time Education (FTEs) in 2014 to 192, 886 FTEs in 2024 indicating the strong demand for accommodation will be increasing within a decade. Students are sophisticated partners in higher education with high standards from their experience in Irish higher education including high-quality, affordable, sustainable and inclusive available housing – standards that mirror those set by Construction 2020. By providing alternative housing to students, or purpose- built on-campus accommodation, we will relieve the rental market of the burden placed on it and prevent overcrowding and competition among those who are […]
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