Search results for "Дизайн человека Clubhouse Дизайн человека в Клабхаусе генераторы проекторы манифесторы"

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Share the gLove

GAA gloves launched to promote LGBT+ rights Member unions of NUS-USI are launching an initiative called Share the gLove to promote LGBT+ rights by creating rainbow GAA gloves. The glove displays part of the rainbow flag, adopted by the LGBT+ community. Research shows that depression affects LGBT people at higher rates than the heterosexual population, and it is hoped that this initiative could help improve wellbeing too. All profits from the sale of the gloves will go to two charities. 50% of the profit will go to Aware NI and the other 50% will go to the Rainbow Project. Ruairí […]

Grants Thresholds

For the Government to commit to increasing the threshold and allocation given through the Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) grant scheme.  The DIT Campus Life survey details the on average the total cost to attend third level education in Dublin, with the total cost coming around to €11,000 per annum. While USI expresses its gratitude in extending and increasing eligibility for grants in recent years – especially in Budget 2017 towards postgraduates. Unfortunately these measures don’t go far enough. With the maintenance grant ranging from €30 per month on the lowest to €120 on highest non-adjacent grant, this is not […]

USI welcomes funding for Student Housing Project Manager to Find Solution for Student Housing Crisis

  The Union of Students in Ireland has welcomed the allocation of €49,000 in support of the appointment of a Student Housing Project Manager to help identify additional student housing, including ‘digs’ and lodgings in private homes, as the next academic year approaches. Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government, Simon Coveney, and Minister for Housing and Urban Renewal, Damien English, announced the allocation of the funds after launching Rebuilding Ireland, the Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness; and after USI re-launched its website,, a website where homeowners can sign up to let spare bedrooms to students for the […]
Read more » USI welcomes funding for Student Housing Project Manager to Find Solution for Student Housing Crisis

Student Challenge

On January 17, 2019 – Margrethe Vestager, together with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Competition will host an international conference titled Shaping Competition Policy in the Era of Digitisation in Brussels. The aim is to discuss and identify ways to address the implications of the digital change on competition policy. The conference will be webstreamed in English, French and German, students would find it most beneficial to follow the following discussions on four issues: Competition, Data and Artificial Intelligence; Digital Platforms’ Market Power; Competing with data – a business perspective; Preserving Digital Innovation. We encourage students throughout Europe and beyond […]

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