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Closure of IT Tallaght Créche Will See Student-Parents Dropout Of College

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) is today calling on IT Tallaght to reverse the decision to close the créche on campus, or parents will be forced to dropout of college. IT Tallaght announced their campus créche would close after public tendering did not locate a new provider meeting the college’s criteria this month. USI President Michael Kerrigan raised concern about the closure stating, “Student-parents are usually working part-time, with many juggling studies, family life and maybe other caring responsibilities. Childcare is the greatest source of angst for most student-parents, because of the financial and the organisational demands. With […]
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Hiring: USI Student Mental Health Project Manager

[…]objectives.  In appropriate circumstances a time-off-in-lieu system will operate. Background to USI: USI is the national representative body for 354,000 students in third-level education on the Island of Ireland. We are a membership organisation – our members are our affiliated Students’ Unions around Ireland, North and South. USI is a democratic organisation. The supreme authority of the Union is the Congress, which is representative of each affiliated students’ union, apportioned according to the size of the student body in each union. Each union also sends one voting member to the National Council – the executive body of the organisation. We […]
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86% Of UCC Students Say Yes To USI

[…]the largest college in the south remain members of USI. UCC has always been a strong advocate for USI and part of the very foundations of USI. Thank you to everyone who helped.” Founded in 1959, USI is the national representative body for the 374,000 students in third level education on the Island of Ireland. USI works to improve and protect the lives of students every day on academic and social issues through campaigns, training and research. Total Poll: 5117 Total Yes: 4267 Total No: 681 Total Spoil: […]

USI and RTB launch the Finance and Accommodation Guide to prep new Students for College

[…]renting accommodation are aware of their rights and responsibilities, and that they are aware of and use the services of the Residential Tenancies Board if a dispute arises. The guide provides lots of helpful information on finding rented accommodation, viewing and moving in to properties, and ending tenancies.  All tenants and prospective tenants are also urged to go to our website, which provides extensive information for both tenants and landlords, including information on our disputes resolution service. For further information, call the RTB on 0818 30 30 37.”   “We are encouraging students to ‘like’ their Students’ Union and […]
Read more » USI and RTB launch the Finance and Accommodation Guide to prep new Students for College

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