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USI seeks clarity on affect ‘hugely disappointing’ IRFU ban on Trans women will have on college rugby

[…]shows it as an attack on Trans women. In our view this decision is based on outdated stereotypes and is pandering to an outspoken minority who do not represent the views of ordinary sportspeople in […]
Read more » USI seeks clarity on affect ‘hugely disappointing’ IRFU ban on Trans women will have on college rugby

Delays in 358 bed student accommodation project shows lack of urgency and will to address student accommodation crisis – USI and Trinity College SU

[…]Ireland. In response to a Parliamentary Question asked by Cian O’Callaghan TD on behalf of TCDSU and USI, Minister for Further and Higher Education, Patrick O’Donovan confirmed that planned student accommodation at Trinity Halls in Dartry, which has planning permission, has passed a due diligence assessment by the Higher Education Authority. However, the Minister said the project cannot begin until funding is found to bring the project to tender. Minister O’Donovan said: “I am continuing to work across Government to identify potential sources of funding to progress the short and long term policies and programmes for student accommodation. My officials […]
Read more » Delays in 358 bed student accommodation project shows lack of urgency and will to address student accommodation crisis – USI and Trinity College SU

USI calls on political parties to honour their commitments in their GE manifestos and bring back postgrad grants

[…]ensure these grants are brought back. “Since the postgraduate grants were cut four years ago, thousands of students have been denied the opportunity of progressing beyond undergraduate level.” Jack Leahy, USI Deputy President said. “We are urging all political parties to work together to ensure the barriers to accessing education, upward mobility and long-term career progression are broken. We are also calling on other political parties to align their policies and priorities with this commitment and the commitments set out in their manifestos. USI welcomes political parties prioritising postgraduate education and viewing it as a national asset, not a financial […]
Read more » USI calls on political parties to honour their commitments in their GE manifestos and bring back postgrad grants

SUSI to open its online Student Grant Application System for 2014/2015 on 8 May, 2014.

[…]of further key improvements for 2014/2015: Earlier application opening date (8 May); Revised and more user-friendly website information at; More automated validation of the online application form; Extended range of online services to applicants; More streamlined internal processing of applications; Extended data sharing with Government Departments and agencies; Increased stakeholder engagement; and Online grant eligibility reckoner. The closing date for the receipt of renewal applications is 13 June and for new applications is 1 August, 2014. SUSI encourages students to visit its website to review the eligibility criteria for student grant funding. There is also information available on the SUSI website […]
Read more » SUSI to open its online Student Grant Application System for 2014/2015 on 8 May, 2014.

Local Election candidates asked to make mental health a priority

A joint campaign by the national coalition Mental Health Reform and the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) is asking Local Election candidates to commit to making mental health a priority locally, if elected. Denise McCarthy, USI Deputy President & VP Welfare said:  “With four weeks until the Local Elections on 23rd May, the 4MentalHealth campaign asks candidates to take four key actions to promote mental health and well-being. The 2014 Local Elections represent an important opportunity to keep mental health on the agenda, and we’re asking voters to make their vote count.” Candidates are being asked, if elected, to: […]
Read more » Local Election candidates asked to make mental health a priority

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