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USI Welcome the Re-Introduction of Postgraduate Grants and Encourage Students to Apply Early

[…]the re-introduction of postgraduate supports and we are glad that the Government has listened to us and brought back supports for those in postgraduate education. We have campaigned solidly on this issue since the grant was abolished in 2012 and have lobbied TDs across all parties for this to be a key priority for the programme for Government agreed during the formation of the 32nd Dáil”. However, Hoey also said that more had to be done on the issue. “This is a good first step, but it is only a first step, the Government cannot rest easy. It is crucial […]
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USI and Mental Health Reform Letter to Minister McEntee

[…]again, we find ourselves in the same position. Jointly, and on behalf of our members, MHR and USI are seeking an urgent review of this Governments decision to allow just 1.8% in additional spending in 2017 for mental health care improvements. Yours Sincerely, Annie Hoey President of the Union of Students in Ireland Shari McDaid PhD. Director of Mental Health […]
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USI, ICTU & ISSU Collaborate to Tackle Youth Jobs Crisis

[…]the problem. Together, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU), the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) and the Irish Second Level Students’ Union (ISSU), have called for an end to the ‘lock-out’ of young people from the jobs market and proposed a range of measures to improve access to the workplace and enhance employment skills. The three organisations are seeking joint meetings with “all relevant government ministers and departments” on foot of the proposals. The measures are contained in a new, joint publication – Locked out? Investing in a Future for Youth –  launched today at 11.30am, DIT Aungier Street. The […]
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USI Launches Seminar Series on ‘Women in Society’

[…]and electoral gender quotas spurs demand for debate on what it’s like to be a woman in Ireland today The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) is running a series of seminars in 2013 on the topic of ‘Women in Society’. The first seminar takes place this Monday in University College Cork at 7.30pm in the O’Rahilly Building. The purpose of the seminars is to generate a discussion around questions such as: What is it like to be a woman in Ireland today? Do we still need feminism? Why aren’t women represented more in the media and in politics? The […]
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Budget 2015 Response

[…]decision not to cut or otherwise amend the student maintenance grant, which is relied upon by thousands of students who would otherwise be unable to afford third level. In addition, the decision to frontload grant repayments to four payments in the first semester, five payments in the second semester, will help students handle the increased start-up costs of study. The decision to return the €25m withheld from colleges in the 2013 and 2014 budgets is good news for education – but represents a drop in the ocean of required investment for third level education – which will experience a 1% […]

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