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This Week in USI March 27th – April 7th, 2017

[…]of April.​ Our EU partners include the ​Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS) in Cyprus, Rape Crisis Scotland (RCS), The Women’s Issues Information Centre (WIIC) in Lithuania and The Women’s Equality Commissioner, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich in Germany.  Each project partner is working with higher education institutions, both staff and students, statutory agencies and NGO’s focused on combatting sexual violence and harassment against women. The project will build a culture of zero tolerance of sexual harassment and violence in third level institutions by raising awareness through active campaigning and by developing training and policy resources for students and staff.  ESHTE project […]
Read more » This Week in USI March 27th – April 7th, 2017

Cost of college passes €1,000 per month: Students respond

[…]college at the forefront of their minds when making upcoming Budgetary choices- Third level is at breaking point and neither parents nor students can take any more.” -ENDS- For more information contact USI President, Joe O’Connor on 087-2191862, or USI General Manager, Ben Archibald on 01-9052091, or email […]
Read more » Cost of college passes €1,000 per month: Students respond

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