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USI partners with The Irish Times to launch Campus Times

[…]expert advice and guidance as they decide on their college career. Campus Times will host a live Q&A stream so that students and parents can have immediate access to the information they need to make informed decisions. USI has produced a number of videos for the site with the help of student volunteers and Students’ Unions from around the country. USI hopes to continue developing the project with the Irish Times to provide an online hub for student news and discussion of third level education. Student journalists and contributors will provide content that reflects the excellent standard of student media […]
Read more » USI partners with The Irish Times to launch Campus Times

Statement on Berkeley Incident

The Union of Students in Ireland is shocked and devastated at news of a serious incident in Berkeley, California, resulting the apparent deaths of Irish students. Initial reports say that a balcony collapse has killed six people and injured seven – and that at least some of the deceased are Irish students. Laura Harmon, USI President, said: “The thoughts of the whole student movement are today with the families and friends of those students caught up in this terrible event. Like the classmates and loved ones of those involved, we await further information from the authorities. Every year thousands of students […]

Students Victorious with 4% Rent Caps in PBSA

[…]hikes in accommodation near DCU and NUI Galway with the Shanowen Shakedown and Cuirt Shakedown campaigns, and sustained campaigns under the Raise The Roof banner. This amendment now has to go to a report stage in the Dáil and then through the Seanad. The Union of Students in Ireland and it’s members were commended on the work done thus far on the matter around the table of the Oireachtas Housing Committee. The student movement has been a driving force behind this change, having had representatives on the Oireachtas Housing Committee twice this year. USI President, Síona Cahill welcomes the news […]
Read more » Students Victorious with 4% Rent Caps in PBSA

The Week in USI Feb 4th – 10th, 2017

[…]with the HSE, Think Contraception, Health Ireland and other partners on SHAG 17 before the campaign was set to launch. Vice President for Equality and Citizenship travelled to Brussels to a European Students’ Union (ESU) seminar on refugees and higher education. Watch our video for the USI elections […]

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