Search results for "Дизайн человека Clubhouse Дизайн человека в Клабхаусе генераторы проекторы манифесторы"

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USI Welcomes the Strategy for the Rental Sector

USI  welcomed the Strategy for the Rental Sector published on December 13th by the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government. The strategy focuses on four key areas: security, supply, standards and service. USI believe that the document is the first and important step towards affordable and secure rental accommodation in Ireland – but believes that there is still more to be done on the issue of student and purpose built accommodation. The Strategy introduces Rent Pressure Zones, where the rent increase will be capped to 4% a year for a three-year period. Those areas are where the rent […]
Read more » USI Welcomes the Strategy for the Rental Sector

Voter Registration

Do you know if you are registered to vote? Log on to to see if you’re registered to vote!  If not, we have you covered with all the information you need here.  In order to vote in an election or referendum in Ireland, you must be registered to vote. So You’re Not Registered? For inclusion in the Register of Electors you must complete an application form RFA. Find the form here . So You Need Correction of Details? If you are on the draft Register of Electors but your details are incorrect you may claim to have a correction made by completing an application form RFA1. […]

USI Students on the Frontline campaign

Are you a student working in any essential service during the COVID-19 pandemic?   The USI is launching a campaign to raise awareness and thank students working on the frontline and we want to hear from you!   Get more information and fill out your details […]

No plans in Programme for Government to reduce the highest college fees in EU disappointing

Union of Students in Ireland statement on proposed Programme for Government The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) welcomes aspects of the Programme for Government set out by Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Green Party but is concerned about a lack of detail on how a number of key actions will be achieved. While a commitment has been made that the student contribution charge will not be increased, we are disappointed that there is no plan to reduce what are the highest college and university fees in the European Union, within the five-year period covered by the proposed agreement. […]
Read more » No plans in Programme for Government to reduce the highest college fees in EU disappointing

USI joins March for Marriage equality with LGBT Noise

The USI is committed to principles of Equality and Diversity, and this Sunday August 18th we will March for Marriage with LGBT Noise. Students want marriage equality for everyone. Here is a personal story from Amee Dunne, President of St Angela’s Students’ Union and her girlfriend Kathryn Nea, Welfare Officer at St Angela’s Students’ Union: ”For many the March for Marriage is about enabling the change and reform that is needed in our country so that we can be another step closer to achieving an equal society. However, for us it was much more than that. We had both struggled […]
Read more » USI joins March for Marriage equality with LGBT Noise

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