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Lack of support for third-level students makes it seem like Government wants to hand young people a plane ticket along with their Leaving Cert. results – USI

[…]their speeches today, both Ministers Chambers and Donohoe talked about the importance of education and young people in our society, and yet they did nothing for third-level students. They seem to think that support for education should stop at secondary school. They talked about wanting to make Ireland the best place in the world to be a child, but between the cost of going to college, the lack of student accommodation and no mention of specific supports for students, it seems like they want to hand young people a plane ticket along with their Leaving Cert. results. “While we welcome […]
Read more » Lack of support for third-level students makes it seem like Government wants to hand young people a plane ticket along with their Leaving Cert. results – USI

Students call for urgent awareness and education around self harm

[…]assisting friends through a tough time, she stated: “We need to be there for each other. If someone trusts you enough to confide in you about their self-harm, you can start to help them immediately. First, honour their trust in you by showing them kindness, love and compassion. Second, help them get the support they need. Share info and supports with them and encourage them to make an appointment with their GP and to reach out to Pieta House themselves. You can also support them if necessary by asking their permission to contact Pieta House on their behalf, and reassure […]
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USI Submission to the National Women’s Strategy

[…]day, and see the impacts, both immediate and long term, on them as they progress through education and graduate beyond college level. Systems, structures, legislation, as well as societal attitude and expectation heavily impact our female members trajectory, and ability to succeed throughout their lives. USI sees this as a fundamental moment in which the status quo, and the rate of change of mechanisms to advance equality, need to be challenged, improved, and re-energised. As the largest union in the country, USI sees its role as being integral to developing the National Women’s Strategy, particularly for a key cohort of […]
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USI Wins At GALAS 2017

[…]lead up to Marriage Equality, but the work is far from done when it comes to acceptance, education and legal rights for many of our young people.’ Cahil went on to say, ‘Coming out and figuring it out is an imperfect, ongoing journey, and it is imperative on all of us, LGBTI+ or not, to work harder to make the society we live and work in a better, more understanding one. Often this means challenging the status quo or the way we always saw ‘the world’, and that can be unsettling, but it’s absolutely necessary. ‘I am honoured to receive […]

The launch of the USI Student Summit 2014: Student entrepreneurs will be ‘invading’ Dublin Castle on April 8th.

[…]and follow @student_summit on Twitter. For press enquiries contact USI Communications and Research Executive Grainne O Reilly on 087 6776636 or 01 […]
Read more » The launch of the USI Student Summit 2014: Student entrepreneurs will be ‘invading’ Dublin Castle on April 8th.

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