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The Union of Students in Ireland is calling for a change in the way Irish is Taught in School

[…]Congress in favour of the Vice President for the Irish Language to lobby the department of Education and Skills to implement the CEF guidelines in relation to the examination of the Irish language at post-primary […]
Read more » The Union of Students in Ireland is calling for a change in the way Irish is Taught in School

Ciarán McKeown

[…]in inclusive activism was evident in his development of the 1976 Peace People’s Declaration and the organisation’s series of enormous cross-community rallies across Ireland and the UK – rallies which have been inspirational to the student movement and peace movements around the world ever since. Ciarán’s work to delegitimise violence, promote intercommunity solidarity across sectarian lines and seek to unite people of good will in pursuit of peace is as shining a testament to his values as can be imagined. We know that those values can guide us and others in the pursuit of peace.   Our thoughts are with […]

Sponsorship Opportunities

[…]your money for students.  Geared towards first year students with practical advice, information and planning tools.  Space for full-page adverts and rear cover advert. (published in August / September in time for students joining college – distribution of 15,000) The Student Rent Book USI provides the Rent Book to all students.  It contains information on students’ accommodation rights, advice and an actual rent recording book.  Space for full-page adverts and rear cover advert. (Published in August / September in time for students joining college – distribution of 15,000) Pink Training The largest LGBT event in Ireland and the largest LGBT […]

All-Island Civic Dialogue – USI Address

[…]and with no deal on the substantive points of the border or the Customs Union any discussion on the impact Brexit will have on education seems far off. Decision makers must begin to consider education in more detail, and importantly, publicly place it on the agenda. It’s vital that issues of education are not sidelined to mere talking points on the eve of a deal. However, the student movement recognises that without a deal on a frictionless border, freedom of movement, and securing no diminution of rights for all people on the island, then the detail of education policy is […]

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