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Letter to South African Ambassador to Ireland following the death of Nelson Mandela

[…]during the 1980’s. In the future, as we continue our battle for equity of access to Education and the elimination of racism and social exclusion, I am sure that future student leaders will continue to be inspired by the words and deeds of the legendary Madiba. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”   Yours sincerely, Joe O’Connor President Union of Students in […]
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USI condemns image-based sexual abuse and highlights need for legislation and cultural shift

Union of Students in Ireland statement The abusive leaking and sharing of sexual images and videos without consent is condemned by the Union of Students in Ireland and we are encouraging the victims involved to use the range of services available if needed at this time or in future. USI is also calling for legislation to make image-based sexual abuse illegal to be implemented immediately to protect individuals from such future incidents of non-consensual sharing and publication. While this behaviour is sexual abuse, it is not currently illegal in Ireland and there is no legal protection in place for those […]
Read more » USI condemns image-based sexual abuse and highlights need for legislation and cultural shift

Students facing ‘extreme stress’ over lack of rent refunds

[…]pandemic, the USI created an online portal to enable members to share their stories with the union. In one message, Orla, a student in St Angela’s College said: “Having to pay over €1,000 for accommodation that I can’t be in is very upsetting and challenging. Now I have to start paying a deposit for next year’s accommodation not knowing if I’ll be able to afford it. My usual summer job doesn’t look like it will be operating as normal and so I’ll have no income. I don’t qualify for the COVID payment as I was not working prior to the date […]
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20,000 Students March For Publicly Funded Third-Level Education

[…]students to Dublin on Wednesday the 4th of October demanding Minister for Education Richard Bruton delivers a timeline on the future of higher education funding. It has been announced by the Minister for Education that there will be no long-term outline of a third-level funding model in next week’s budget. The demonstration left Custom House Quay at 1pm and marched to the Department of the Taoiseach. Second-level student Jane Hayes-Nally from Cork, IT Tallaght lecturer Dr Martin Marjoram, and parent Annette Quijney from Dublin were some of the speakers calling on the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills to […]
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